Fascist Party of Indonesia (PFI)
The leader of the NSB (Dutch Nazi party style) Anton Mussert issued a typical greeting 'Houzee' her before leaving for a visit to the Dutch East Indies (1935)
Burial Muhammad Husni Thamrin, January 15, 1941. Appears in front of the leader Parindra, Woerjaningrat Soekardjo Wirjopranoto, surrounded by a group of youth that gives greetings greatness Parindra Hitler
NSP activists in internment camps on the island of Onrust, May 1940
Beginning in 1933 , stands Nederlandsche Indische Fascisten Organisatie ( NIFO ) in Batavia . This organization oriented fascist organizations in Germany and claim to be part of the Nationaal Socialistische Beweging ( NSB ) established by the Ir Mussert two years earlier . As with the Fascists in Germany , NIFO also has a militant youth wing , Youth Front , a force trained by the army and uniformed black . Unfortunately , not all members NIFO agree with the formation of these forces , the reason will lead to conflict between groups in the Indian soil . They , through vergadering and political courses , aggressively spreading fascist doctrine .
Initially this movement is never ignored in the Indies . The colonial government more focused monitoring of the indigenous movement . NIFO not something to worry about . When the Nazis seized power , in January 1933 , a group of Germans in the Indian soil welcomed enthusiastically by collecting 1000 signatures in the Indian Germans to support Adolf Hitler's reign . Although not all Germans could not give his signature , certainly almost all German citizens in the Indian Government to support the new Hitler in Germany !
Sympathy for Nazi Germany was also found in a group of Dutch youths marching in parks or streets . They wore a beige shirt with brown pants or skirt . Each cross paths , they give each other a Führer or Heil Heil Hitler ( the Nazi salute ) . It is not a form of Dutch youth had fully alignments , but merely seasonal fashion at the time in Indo youth .
While in exile on the island of Banda , Sjahrir see the success of fascist propaganda . The wife of a physician island was often greeted his friends with Heil Hitler . The doctor's wife just assume it is nice greeting and seem modern without further understand what it is Fascist !
After the fascist propaganda Indies began to question the " validity " of government , the colonial government concluded that the fascist movement would disturb public order and will affect the government's authority in the eyes of the sons of the earth . Colonial police began acting against these fascists . A meeting in London NIFO forcibly disbanded after leaders there NIFO suggested that apart from the Netherlands East Indies . Increasingly radical fascists has annoyed the colonial government .
Between members NIFO been involved in the conflict . One time Rhemrev , van Huut and Ten Holder in a closed meeting threatened to withdraw from NIFO when Ocherse , Gouwenberg and Kankeler entered as NIFO Board . Reason for rejecting it revolves around the fascist propaganda , to the Indo European or for the whole of the Indian people .
After being out in the not too distant future , Rhemrev , van Huut and Ten Holder reentry in NIFO after the announcement that Ocherse , Kankeler Gouwenberg and will not be included in the list of board members . In " Fair " issue of June 29, 1933 , Rhemrev deny that he has been out of NIFO .
The issue of whether NIFO only destined for the European and Indo European or for the whole of the Indian cause divisions in the future . At a later member who saw the need for all people of Indian fascism establish Fascistische Unie . In its statutes , Fascistische Unie mentioned :
1.Kerajaan Nederlansche consists of the East Indies by the West Indies ;
This should be under Koninghuis 2.Kerajaan Orange ;
3.Penduduk either individually or by way of bergolong - golong may get staats burgerschap to hold on to indigenous groups , respectively ;
4.Memajukan samenwerking between groups between classes pendudukberdasar usefulness in staat ;
5.Kaum employers and workers , with the nation looking ttidak price will be considered equally important for the progress staat ;
6.Akhir once staat changed to one based staat syndico - corporatieven grondslag ;
7.Mengakui usefulness to one's religion and all religions should be brought forward and understand that does not recognize the existence of a god denied .
This organization called the political agenda , the Netherlands should be converted into a fascist government . Indian aborigines are not separated for difasiskan order to receive Fascistische Staatvorm Netherlands .
An attempt to unite the Indian fascists done by gathering representatives from IEV , VC also NIFO in July 1933 to formulate a joint program . Three organs that more cooperation is based on three main programs : a hard defense to power ( gezeg ) ; membezuinig to the utmost so bergrooting be fit ; support the termination of land rights ( grond - Rechten ) for the Indo European . This menunjuikan influence VC and IEV very large at that time . VC is very hostile to the movement . EIV upset because their land rights claims rejected by the government at the urging of members of the Volksraad native Husni Thamrin . Until VC and supporting IEV NIFO in carrying fascism as part of the NSB .
NSB branch establishment in Indonesia in 1934 , stems from the return of Mr . Hamer VC - figures - from the Netherlands . Hamer admitted he angggota and vice NSB in Dutch East Indies . Many officials and businessmen who are members of the NSB though not a permanent member . Surely they would not want to take the risk and limit myself impressed in his role in the organization . They often membari funding for the NSB . When in the Netherlands public sector employees ( civil servants ) are prohibited from becoming members of the NSB , the Indies NSB members are teachers , clerks and scholars !
For his propaganda merndukung , NSB has its own media , the newspaper Het Licht . Victory of the Fascists against the communists always decorate the Fascist newspaper headlines . His anti fascists movements are shown with the position of the Communists as dangerous as the rebellion in 1926-1927 . The natives , in the eyes of Europeans are affected by the Fascists did not differ communists , Europeans were the natives obtaining spying and waiting careless and backstabbing as the PKI rebellion . What do the fascists had , in the eyes of the movement is tantamount to what the colonial government , the deadly movement . Since the first of each force against the government is always labeled ' communists ' ( red ) .
Fascist influence well received by some natives . In the month of August 1933 in London , Dr. Notonindito establishing Fascist Party of Indonesia ( PFI ) . This party brings romance for the sake of fascism cultural history of past glory , as well as the romance of Roman glory Mussolini , Italy La Prima . In contrast to the European fascists and Indo can be dilator background by economic interests . PFI basically want to build a kind of ancient glory Indonesian kingdom of Srivijaya or Majapahit . Ideas and ideals is also surprising that the national movement time . Notonindito who had lived in Germany apparently did not want to follow the fascist Germany in 1924 , as the Javanese themselves more deeply rooted in the culture of Java. He was not thinking of establishing corporate state , but a state led by a king like in the past . As quoted in the Fair : " Java independence and later appointed king and the king is subject to grondwet this is an instance of penembahan Senopati ; will mebangunkan back Statenbond ( United Countries ) of the kingdoms in independent Indonesia , where soils are also countless kings ( Vorstenlanden.
The movement in view react to the PFI . With preceded by some of his writings , it is concluded that the PFI is kelajutan of ideals Soetatmo , also a nationalist Java . When Notonindito in Germany , 1924 Soetatmo died of illness . Fair newspaper edition June 26, 1933 , PFI condemned as ' a political tool ' to break up the national movement . Fascism was seen as well as seeds of provincialism adverse attitude . Further discussion of nationalism required for the movement of the Indian people is not a nationalist populist nationalism that is based on Java and stelsel aristocracy soul of capitalism . Panji Timoer accuse , not unlike the Indian fascists fascists in Europe , they have to 'kill the revolutionary stream ' .
Notonindito himself is the son of Raden Panji Notomidjojo , former district duke Apex. In 1918 he graduated from MULO , then continued his studies in Telefoon Dienst . In 1921 , he went to the Netherlands to study the trade economy . In 1923 he graduated and earned adjunc accountant and worked at accounting firm in Amsterdam . In mid- 1924 he headed for Berlin ( Germany ) to continue its economic studies . In November 1924 he was awarded a PhD in economics with a thesis " On the History of Short Commerce , Lessons And Indoestri Boemipoetra In Poelau Java " . Upon their return to Indonesia , he opened an office in Pekalongan while also a member of the PNI . He then moved to London and disappeared from the stage movement . When the Nazi Party won the election in Germany in 1933 , Notonindito reappeared on stage with his movement on the Fascist Party of Indonesia
As a result of the German invasion into parts of Europe, many changes over Hinjdia Netherlands. In Ternate, where Didi Kartasasmita Served as Lieutenant Colonial Army. Didi see, the Germans generally work as traders or as a result of the earth Missionary workers. After the raid, the Germans were exiled. Usually if the Dutch Colonial Army troops met the Germans, they would make a party. After the exile to rule out the Germans, precisely those that the Dutch KNIL catch. Native soldiers actually were not involved in the arrest.
Didi never heard of the separation of the Netherlands to the Dutch East Indies. Many Indo Dutch people support this, Dutch people just do not want full-blooded.