German Soldier Field Equipment
A : Equipment field peon ( Feldausrüstung des Mannes ) starting from leather belts and head ( Koppel und Koppelschloss ) , bullet pouch M1911 ( Patronentasche 11 ) , a small shovel and a wrapper ( kleines Schanzzeug und Tasche ) , weapon - hand S84/98 ( Seitengewehr - Germans call it a " gun - hand " rather than bayonets - Bajonett ) , and wrapping - hand weapon for non - warrior horsemen ( Seitengewehrtasche für Unberittene ) .
There was also a gas mask tin wrapper M1930 ( Tragbüsche für Gasmaske 30 ) with a cloth bag gas ( Gasplane ) at the shoulder sling , pouch bread M1931 ( Brotbeutel 31 ) and M1931 drink bottles along with the cup ( Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecker ) . The objects mentioned this is the basic equipment , not only for soldiers but also for Infanterie soldiers from other units . Although some units have a certain quota belt clip and shoulder binder addition in 1939 , but this thing is not widely used . All equipment is affixed to the body supported by four wire connection side can be removed and pinned at the waist . It then became the hook for " network " is an integral fastener .
B : Equipment tropical field peon ( Tropisch Ausrüstung ) in North Africa is almost entirely made of canvas and woven with little use of leather . Metal painted with green reeds , yellow sand , or light brown , and is sometimes mixed with leather equipment colonial period . This equipment is set among tropical belt fastener , the tropical belt and head , tropical MP38/MP40 machine gun magazine ( Maschinenpistole Magazintaschen ) , small shovel and pack tropical , tropical bayonet S84/98 and wrappers , cans wrapping M1938 gas mask and bag tropical gas in shoulder binders , tropical bread bags , water bottles and two tropical field ( note the two different types of cups ! ) . Any one of these attached using additional turning loop ( Aufschiebeschlaufen ) which was originally intended as the primary binding point for the front sling bag when not dkenakan bullets .
C : Equipment machine gun crew which are supporting belt with an additional sling ( Koppeltraggestell mit Helfstageriemen ) , belts and head , spare parts bag M1934 ( Ersatztücketasche 34 ) , P08 holster ( Pistolentaschen P08 ) 9mm Luger pistol , a folding shovel and wrappings ( Klappspaten und Tasche ) , cans wrapping M1938 gas mask with cloth behind the gas ( for meminimilasir collision ) at the shoulder sling , bread bags and drink bottles M1931 M1931 . On the edge is the workshop for repair of equipment wrap machine gun M1934 ( Werkzeugtasche 34 ) , while the object is pinned to the support belt is a pack of combat equipment for infantry rifle company ( Gefechtsgepäck für Infanterie Schützenkompanien ) which consists of a framework of semi - rigid tissue pack trapezoidal ( Gurtbandtragegerüst ) and a small bag to pack fighter ( Beutel zum Gefechtsgepäck ) . That there are also tied to the tent fabric M1931 ( Zeltbahn 31 ) and the cooking pot M1931 ( Kochgeschirr 31 ) . Sometimes, tent accessories pouch ( Zeltzubehörstache ) , which is described on the edge , come added to the bond .
D : Attack of Engineers soldier equipment ( Pioniersturmgepäck ) glued to the belt and supporters ( Koppeltraggestell für Infanterie ) . It is an old model that added support additional sling and was introduced in April 1940. Equipment that is in it including side pockets hand grenades , a bayonet S84/98 and packaging for equestrian warriors ( Seitengewehrtasche für Berittene ) , engineer bag containing ( from top to bottom ) : cooking pot , smoke pot NbK39 , and explosive compartment . In addition , there is also a bottle of drinking M1931 is added to the additional connection , also explosives and rubber ribbed side pockets a gas mask . Hand saws , which were taken using a homemade leather pouch , typically also be included in addition to the bayonet .
Aside from the items of combat forces mentioned above , some variations are also sometimes included additional items . Ration bread bags can load steel ( Eiserne Portion ) half or full , are also eating utensils , containers of meat ( Fleischbüchse ) , fat box ( Fettdose ) , small field stove can be folded ( Esbit Kocker ) , tablet fuel ( Esbit Brennstoff ) , cleaning equipment carbine M1934 ( Reinigungsgerät 34 ) , washing appliances ( Waschzeug ) , shaving equipment ( Rasierzeug ) , sewing equipment ( Nähzeug ) , and field cap when not in use . Equipment for personal use is usually collected in a small cloth bag tied with a rope drawstring , exactly Ma - Ma old-fashioned if nyimpen money .
With the introduction of sets of combat , some items that had been crammed into the bread bag and then put into a small pouch that is intended specifically for it . For example : the shirt , carbine cleaning equipment , eating utensils , boxes of fat , a small stove , a tin of emergency rations of meat , and a rope to tie the tent .
Extra clothing and other secondary items inserted into the bag M1934 or M1939 ( Tornister 34 Oder 39 ) . Extra clothes outside it , which is not needed in the field in normal time , was taken by using a garment bag M1931 ( Bekleidungssack 31 ) are small and made of canvas material . These bags ( and bags of clothing ) usually do not come to carry while fighting and transported by train along with the needs of the company and other supply units . Soldiers who did not get a bag or backpack instead got a bag of clothes .
Source: The book " The German Army Blitzkrieg 1939-41 " by Gordon Rottman and Ron Volstad
There was also a gas mask tin wrapper M1930 ( Tragbüsche für Gasmaske 30 ) with a cloth bag gas ( Gasplane ) at the shoulder sling , pouch bread M1931 ( Brotbeutel 31 ) and M1931 drink bottles along with the cup ( Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecker ) . The objects mentioned this is the basic equipment , not only for soldiers but also for Infanterie soldiers from other units . Although some units have a certain quota belt clip and shoulder binder addition in 1939 , but this thing is not widely used . All equipment is affixed to the body supported by four wire connection side can be removed and pinned at the waist . It then became the hook for " network " is an integral fastener .
B : Equipment tropical field peon ( Tropisch Ausrüstung ) in North Africa is almost entirely made of canvas and woven with little use of leather . Metal painted with green reeds , yellow sand , or light brown , and is sometimes mixed with leather equipment colonial period . This equipment is set among tropical belt fastener , the tropical belt and head , tropical MP38/MP40 machine gun magazine ( Maschinenpistole Magazintaschen ) , small shovel and pack tropical , tropical bayonet S84/98 and wrappers , cans wrapping M1938 gas mask and bag tropical gas in shoulder binders , tropical bread bags , water bottles and two tropical field ( note the two different types of cups ! ) . Any one of these attached using additional turning loop ( Aufschiebeschlaufen ) which was originally intended as the primary binding point for the front sling bag when not dkenakan bullets .
C : Equipment machine gun crew which are supporting belt with an additional sling ( Koppeltraggestell mit Helfstageriemen ) , belts and head , spare parts bag M1934 ( Ersatztücketasche 34 ) , P08 holster ( Pistolentaschen P08 ) 9mm Luger pistol , a folding shovel and wrappings ( Klappspaten und Tasche ) , cans wrapping M1938 gas mask with cloth behind the gas ( for meminimilasir collision ) at the shoulder sling , bread bags and drink bottles M1931 M1931 . On the edge is the workshop for repair of equipment wrap machine gun M1934 ( Werkzeugtasche 34 ) , while the object is pinned to the support belt is a pack of combat equipment for infantry rifle company ( Gefechtsgepäck für Infanterie Schützenkompanien ) which consists of a framework of semi - rigid tissue pack trapezoidal ( Gurtbandtragegerüst ) and a small bag to pack fighter ( Beutel zum Gefechtsgepäck ) . That there are also tied to the tent fabric M1931 ( Zeltbahn 31 ) and the cooking pot M1931 ( Kochgeschirr 31 ) . Sometimes, tent accessories pouch ( Zeltzubehörstache ) , which is described on the edge , come added to the bond .
D : Attack of Engineers soldier equipment ( Pioniersturmgepäck ) glued to the belt and supporters ( Koppeltraggestell für Infanterie ) . It is an old model that added support additional sling and was introduced in April 1940. Equipment that is in it including side pockets hand grenades , a bayonet S84/98 and packaging for equestrian warriors ( Seitengewehrtasche für Berittene ) , engineer bag containing ( from top to bottom ) : cooking pot , smoke pot NbK39 , and explosive compartment . In addition , there is also a bottle of drinking M1931 is added to the additional connection , also explosives and rubber ribbed side pockets a gas mask . Hand saws , which were taken using a homemade leather pouch , typically also be included in addition to the bayonet .
Aside from the items of combat forces mentioned above , some variations are also sometimes included additional items . Ration bread bags can load steel ( Eiserne Portion ) half or full , are also eating utensils , containers of meat ( Fleischbüchse ) , fat box ( Fettdose ) , small field stove can be folded ( Esbit Kocker ) , tablet fuel ( Esbit Brennstoff ) , cleaning equipment carbine M1934 ( Reinigungsgerät 34 ) , washing appliances ( Waschzeug ) , shaving equipment ( Rasierzeug ) , sewing equipment ( Nähzeug ) , and field cap when not in use . Equipment for personal use is usually collected in a small cloth bag tied with a rope drawstring , exactly Ma - Ma old-fashioned if nyimpen money .
With the introduction of sets of combat , some items that had been crammed into the bread bag and then put into a small pouch that is intended specifically for it . For example : the shirt , carbine cleaning equipment , eating utensils , boxes of fat , a small stove , a tin of emergency rations of meat , and a rope to tie the tent .
Extra clothing and other secondary items inserted into the bag M1934 or M1939 ( Tornister 34 Oder 39 ) . Extra clothes outside it , which is not needed in the field in normal time , was taken by using a garment bag M1931 ( Bekleidungssack 31 ) are small and made of canvas material . These bags ( and bags of clothing ) usually do not come to carry while fighting and transported by train along with the needs of the company and other supply units . Soldiers who did not get a bag or backpack instead got a bag of clothes .
Source: The book " The German Army Blitzkrieg 1939-41 " by Gordon Rottman and Ron Volstad