Die Glocke

Die Glocke (Bel) is the name of the Nazi secret weapons technology with super exceeded his time. The only source that told me this is the book journalism Polish aerospace defense and military historian Igor Witkowski, who has claimed that Die Glocke is one incredible secret weapon ( Wunderwaffe ). It became popular after being picked by Nick Cook, Joseph P. Farrell and conspiracy theory websites, which link it with Nazi occultism and antigravity energy search.

Die Glocke first appeared in the Polish-language book written by Igor Witkowski entitled Prawda O Wunderwaffe published in 2000, which in Germany alone was published under the title Die Wahrheit über die Wunderwaffe , which is named as "Bel Nazi". But it is still not widely known until the publication of the book The Hunt for Zero Point written by journalist, author, and former editor of Britain flight for Jane's Information Group , Nick Cook. Increased curiosity, and Witkowski book was translated into English in 2003 by Bruce Wenham as The Truth About the Wunderwaffe. Further speculation about this discovery have appeared in books by authors 'fringe' America, Joseph P. Farrell, Jim Marrs, and Henry Stevens.
"Bel Nazi" has become something of a legend for those who believe in the zero-point energy, the machine can work without stopping, the anti-gravity, reality shifting, reanimation, and manipulation of time-place.

This bell is touted as one of the experiments carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS and worked in the German military facility known as Der Riese (Giant) near the Wenceslaus mine. The mine itself is located approximately 50 kilometers from Wroclaw, a little to the north of the village of Ludwikowice Klodzkie (formerly known as Ludwigsdorf) near the border with Czechoslovakia. Cook and Witkowski visited this place in order of importance for the filming of Channel 4 UK documentary UFOs: the Hidden Evidence (which has another name too, An Alien History of Planet Earth ).

These devices are said to be formed from a metallic material, with a width of 9 feet and a height of 12 to 15 feet, with a shape very similar to a bell (hence the name Die Glocke was created). In it there are two opposing rotating cylinder and filled with a substance similar to mercury which will be colored purple when activated (his real name is Xerum 525, but has been speculated as Red Mercury). When this thing in action, then Die Glocke would emit strong radiation, which in fact had killed several scientists involved in the making, also many plant and animal!

Based on the testimony of Igor Witkowski, Poland space flight historian who has been researching this stuff for over 20 years, in an interview with Discovery Channel documentary Nazi UFO Conspiracy : "look outside .. so strangely with ceramic material wrap and bell-shaped, which saves a core surrounded by two cylinders rotating in a counterclockwise rotation. And when connected to a high-voltage currents, such cylinders will start rotating in the opposite direction. Believed that this would be one way to conquer the Earth's gravity. "

According to Farrell, so berkepentingannya Nazis to maintain the confidentiality of this bell, so they killed 60 scientists who work in the manufacturing process, and buried in a mass grave! And what it can leak as well? The only source comes from SS generals charged with the massacre, Jakob Sporrenberg, which after the war was taken to court on charges of war crimes Poland killed their own people in place who later became the territory of Poland. From the statement tertulisnyalah we know this will be the story of the Nazi bell.

When asked to speculate, what then happens to the bell, if indeed it exists? It is not known whether he was evacuated out of Germany, although there are some estimates that appear: Witkowski speculated that Die Glocke was taken to one of the countries in South America are sympathetic to the Nazis, while Cook believes that the end of the Nazi bell is in the United States as part of secret deal SS General Hans Kammler with, while Farrell has another opinion that Die Glocke was not brought to the United States until after the transportation Kecksburg UFO incident known.

Continue what exactly the purpose of manufacturing "bell" is a super freak? Remains unclear, although there is some speculation from anti-gravity reach travel time.

Jan van Helsing claims in his book Secret Societies that, in a meeting attended by members of secret societies (Gessellschaft Vril, Thule Society, SS elite Black Sun) along with two mediums, collected technical data for the construction of a flying machine , according to a message that was mentioned came from the solar system Aldebaran.

One of the scientists who become resource persons for Cook in The Hunt for Zero Point is "Dr. And Marckus "(Cook says in his book that he has been helpful" nyamar "Marckus good name and that he was a" reliable scholars working in the Department of Physics at one of Britain's leading universities "). Dr. Marckus Nazis claimed that Bel is a field bertorsi generator and that the SS scientists strive to create a kind of time machine with it.

Original claims about the existence of the SS experiments have also propagated by Igor Witkowski, who said that he had discovered the existence of this controversial project after seeing secret transcripts of the SS-KGB interrogation Gruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg.

Based on the evidence Witkowski, in August 1997, has shown him some of the files by a Polish intelligence officer (whose identity is kept confidential). The officer has access to important documents at once top-secret weapons the secret weapon developed by the Nazis. Witkowski's where first found out about the details of the interrogation done Sporrenberg 1950/51 when he was jailed in Poland. Witkowski told in detail of this in his book The Truth About the Wunderwaffe , and although there was never going to verify the claim advanced by Witkowski, but this immediately to the attention of the wider community is informed once again by British author Nick Cook in his book popular non-fiksinya , The Hunt for Zero Point .

The only source of this story rests solely on the testimony Witkowski who saw transcripts of secret interrogation Sporrenberg and her comments against him. These documents themselves were never published because Witkowski claimed he was only allowed to translate, and not to replicate. There was no evidence other than the evidence that came to light.

Turns Die Glocke is not the only thing that is "discovered" by Witkowski because there is no such thing as "The Henge", which is the possibility of building experiments for anti-gravity thruster driven by Bel. Witkowski himself said that the industrial complex near Wenceslas mining is an experiment where the Nazi bell.

In August 2005 a German investigator and staff officer named Gerold Schelm GAF (by any other name "Golf Sierra") visited "The Henge" and published his findings in November of that year. He claimed that most of the story of "The Henge" is sheer falsehood, by comparing it with a similar building that he found in a Polish town called Siechnice, which turned out to be the framework of the cooling tower. To strengthen his claim, Schelm shows a comparison photo with cooling towers Siechnice Witkowski.

Schelm then said further: "the similarities between the concrete building known as" The Henge "the basic structure of the cooling tower Siechnice really can not be disputed. And although the number of posts is not the same (12 and 11 in Ludwikowice Siechnice), I believe that even the dimensions are not different. The building is really similar to each other, which makes me conclude that the cooling tower and "The Henge" is built with the same plan, maybe even by the same construction company. I have not managed to get the data about when Siechnice tower was built, but to date the tower is in good condition, and makes me think that probably it was made after World War II, probably in the 60's or 70's. "

Cook Witkowski shows on some bolts made ​​of metal that looks at the very top of the structure that he found, tepay in each pole. Witkowski concluded that those bolts in the past is a kind of large damper force issued by heavy objects stored in the middle of the building, which is less if not Die Glocke .

Of course for this also has its own assumptions Schelm Gerold: "By looking at the comparison between" The Henge "with Siechnice cooling towers, the purpose of the bolts mentioned by Witkowski becomes clear: the upper metal construction of the cooling tower Siechnice rests right on 12 metal bolts and can only be seen from the top of each pole, just like "The Henge". Sorry Mr. Mahmud er Witkowski, but at this point you get to the theory of the culvert (tokay Kalee!). Concrete structures as a building that you thought experiment to save Bel Nazis in it, nothing more than the remnants of a cooling tower. And, by looking at these facts into consideration, it would seem that the power plant is located at the northern end of the valley, adjacent to the "Fabrica", must have a cooling tower, and the most fitting place to build such towers must be on the right side "Fabrica". Well, the "Fabrica" ​​itself, whatever the purpose of its founding, it must require large power supplies, while itself being located in a place away from everywhere. More practical to build a power plant in the plant, using coal from mines Wenceslas as a vehicle. As Cook said himself, there is a power plant at the end of the valley, which Witkowski show directly to him. "

When Cook asked Witkowski what the building was, Witkowski replied "I do not know for sure. But whatever it is, the Germans managed to finish making. With light conditions like this it is difficult to see the color of the building, but you can notice for yourself that some of the original green paint is still lagging. You can not camouflage something that is still not finished. It is something that does not make sense. "Then, Witkowski said that it was an experimental building. Cook himself later argued that he was not going to support or deny claims Witkowski, because let time will tell.

Witkowski showed further in Cook, where the soil around the structure has been excavated as deep as one meter and then coated with a ceramic tile same as mentioned by Sporrenberg in the space where the bell saved. As usual, Schelm issued a counter-claim: "I have equip themselves with a small folding shovel, and then began to dig in three or four places around" The Henge ". I have not found anything, just ordinary soil infested with worms, insects and leaves busyuk. "
About paint on buildings Ludwikowice, Schelm thought: "When I walk in between the columns, I noticed that in the border southeast are the remnants of the possibility of a concrete rim, which surrounds" The Henge "with a slightly larger diameter and is 3 meters outside the circle of pillars. Part of the rim of the still remaining, with a length of 4 meters, while others can not access it anymore because it's already full of grass and reed, or as it has already blown away in the past. The concrete rim color is the same color used for the entire building, the color turquoise (blue-green).

In 2006 Joseph P. Farrell said in his book the SS Brotherhood of the Bell : "A very strange object that looks like Stone Henge large but made ​​of concrete, and the possibility of building a test for a particular project."

Farrell continued: "Witkowski has added some additional information to me that no one in his book. Rainer Karlsch, German author who has just published a book on his country's nuclear program Hitler, also said that a team of physicists from the University of Giessen has conducted intensive research in Ludwikowice, especially in the Henge. Results were so wonderful, because there are remnants of isotopes used in construction as a test site, which can only be produced by powerful radiation beams of neutrons. Then of course there must be some sort of object that accelerates the ions, an object that is HEAVY. We can calculate the intensity of radiation that occurred in 1945, and is generally very high radiation. In other words, whatever it is tested at the Henge, and all indications are pointing to Bel Nazis, then it is in addition to a strong building that can withstand any shocks, will also issue a strong radiation and heavy. "

In his book Hitler's suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology, Stevens wrote about a conversation that took place in the 60's between his father with his boss at NASA, Otto Cerny, who was a German scientist from Operation Paperclip. At first Cerny was only vague told me about what he did in the past, and said that it was "strange experiments on the nature of time". But then he drew a structure made ​​of a circle of stones with a ring on it along with a second ring as a place to hang something. Cerny adding that on top of the stone structure installed a concave mirror that makes "the shadows of the past" look back in the present. He claimed that it is possible to "go back to the past and to witness what happened in the past" even though we still can not go forward into the future!