Photo three German women volunteers (helferinnen) after they were arrested Allies. Oberhelferin in the middle wearing a sign indicating that he was the Luftwaffe radio operator
Deutsche Rote Kreuz Helferin uniform (German Red Cross)
Uniform helferin SS and Polizei
Tragic destiny: Johann Kothmeier was off duty and visiting his sister Emmi Kothmeier who became anti-artillery units helferin in air strikes in Rosenheim (Upper Bavaria) as the Allied air strikes killed both of them! This is the Death Card (Death) they both
Luftwaffe Badge helferin
Luftwaffe uniform helferin
At the beginning of 1940 in which the intensity of the battle that raged forced many members of the German army ( Wehrmacht ) who previously served in keadministrasian then transferred as an active soldier on the battlefield , making Hitler decided that the already vicious cycle of women in the military assigned as a void filler in the field in above .
Most of these women volunteers served in the Luftwaffe ( Air Force ) , especially after the 1943 bombing in which the intensity of the realm of Germany by Allied planes Luftwaffenhelferinnen make a priority for this change : previously taking care of office duties , is now used as well as the officers who helped the anti attack German air . Turns out this was still deemed insufficient , then a lot of the Helferinnen who previously served in other forces , drawn also to move to the Luftwaffe .
Among the tasks of the Luftwaffe helferin Luftwaffehelferinnenkorps taken from this , some of which are : operator spotlights anti air attack ( searchlight ) , flak artillery bunkers , sound detection equipment ( radar ) . Most of them served in their home country , and although they do not formally belong to the army itself, but they remain subject to the rules and discipline of the military . The helferin can be recognized from a special badge mounted on the upper right arm of their uniforms .
Besides helferin Luftwaffe , also there helferin Heer ( Army ) , Kriegsmarine ( Navy ) , SS ( Nazi special forces ) and Rote Kreuz ( Red Cross ) .
Helferin Wehrmacht rank structure and the changes in the end of the war :
Until 1945 Rank Rank Rank Ordinary With New equation
Helferin Helferin Soldat
Oberhelferin Oberhelferin Gefreiter
-------------- Haupthelferin Obergefreiter
Low rank officer ( UnderFührerin )
Haupthelferin Truppführein Unteroffizier
-------------- Obertruppführein Feldwebel
Senior Officer ( Führeinnen )
Führerin Dienstführerin Leutnant
Oberführerin Oberdienstführerin Oberleutnant
Hauptführerin Hauptdienstführerin Hauptmann
Major Stabsführerin Stabsführerin
Oberstabsführerin Oberstabsführerin Oberstleutnant