German torpedo in World War II

German torpedo in World War II

The crew of U - boat torpedo prepare two pieces that will be incorporated into the launcher tube and then fired at a convoy of ships convoy opponent

Article on torpedo bomber , Junkers Ju 88A

Follow-up article about Ju 88A and how to launch

" Human Torpedo " or controlled by a human torpedo . Unlike his colleagues from Japan , Kaiten , German torpedo does not require the driver to blow yourself come together torpedo its controlled

Torpedo Bomber Heinkel He 111 H - 6 of Kampfgeschwader 26 , which is equipped by two torpedo types F5b . This seems to be just a training unit , in the absence of other weapons attached

The crew was the Heinkel He 115 torpedo tether for training purposes

Torpedo F5b specifically used for aircraft , the Navy Museum collection of Gdynia

By : Alif Rafik Khan

Several people e-mailed me asking to put forward an article about torpedoes used by German U-boats in World War II , the types , and effects in warfare . Question immediately comes to myself, most likely the observer must ask the U-boat warfare , sea war history buff , or even members of the Indonesian Navy ! Imagine, for the topic of this one I think only certain people who are interested , while mostly prefer to read things that are more " popular " like panzer , fighter planes , guns , and the submarine itself. But it's OK , make that I love asking this reference German torpedoes from the beginning to the end of the war , from the most powerful to the most Shining . Check this out !

Torpedo 53.3 cm ( 21 " ) G7A T1
Carrier vessel type : surface ships and submarines
Year of manufacture : 1930
Assignments Year : 1938
Weight : 3,369 lbs ( 1,528 kg )
Overall length : 23 feet 7 inches ( 7.186 m )
Negative buoyancy : 605 ​​lbs ( 274 kg )
Explosives : 661 lbs ( 300 kg ) Hexanite
The coverage / speed : 6,560 yards ( 6,000 m ) / 44 knots
8,750 yards ( 8,000 m ) / 40 knots
15,300 yards ( 14,000 m ) / 30 knots
Power : Decahydronaphthalene ( Decalin ) Wet - Heater
Note : Also known as " Ato " , is used throughout the war torpedoes and torpedo classed as the most dependable . The development is based torpedo 50 cm ( 20 " ) G7 During World War I , although in contrast to other countries torpedoes when viewed from the user who prefer Decalin ( Decahydronaphthalene ) compared with kerosene or gasoline . It takes 3,730 working hours to produce a single torpedo in 1939, but the famous German efficiency makes it fall into 1,707 hours of work in 1943. 's Shorter than the time needed to produce electrical G7e .
The maximum speed reached 44 knots turns making machine becomes overloaded and therefore rarely used in the first years of the war . Initial mode used in 1939 has a range of less than 20 % mentioned above . Torpedo uses engine four-cylinder radius that moves a single propeller leafy six .
Federapparattorpedo ( torpedo resilient ) or FAT variation has a simple guidance system that relies on a series of round legs or long and short at the end of a certain distance which directs it to keep it moving straight .
Starting from mid-1944 , more sophisticated variation of the FAT is Lagenunabhängiger Torpedo ( LUT ) was introduced . LUTS can be fired in any corner of the target , and can even move swerved before crashing into the goal! There is also a problem , because the tool does not come off sometimes pentarget LUT disposal , resulting in a "tube runners ( the tube run - run-off ) " . Therefore , this torpedo is rarely used anymore after December 1944 .
Heavy head torpedo containing explosives differ in many references , from the lowest weight 617 lbs ( 280 kg) to 948 lbs highest ( 430 kg ) . The chances are that the lowest weight when the torpedo is a torpedo in the early days of the war , and the more weight is in the mid to the end of the war . For technical version of this torpedo itself is taken from the book " Naval Weapons of World War Two " by John Campbell .

Torpedo 53.3 cm ( 21 " ) G7e T2 and T3
Type of carrier ships : Submarines and Schnellboote ( E - Boat )
Year of manufacture : 1935
Assignments Year : 1939
Weight : 3,534 lbs ( 1,603 kg )
Overall length : 23 feet 7 inches ( 7.186 m )
Negative buoyancy : 597 lbs ( 271 kg )
Explosives : 661 lbs ( 300 kg ) Hexanite
The coverage / speed : Early war 5,470 yards ( 5,000 m ) / 30 knots
End of the war 8,200 yards ( 7,500 m ) / 30 knots
Power : Lead - acid Battery
Note : The first right nickname " Ato " , well, if that is his name " Eto " . The use of the Torpedo electric motors of 100 hp that drives a pair of two- leaved propeller which rotate opposite each other . Distance and speed as mentioned above can only be achieved if the battery is pre-heated to 30 degrees Celsius . The torpedo must receive regular maintenance every three to five days to ensure maximum capacity . Although slower when compared with type - Heater Wet G7A , but there are other advantages that are even more important: the ability to get close to his target almost silently and without leaving behind a path trajectory ! For making needed 1,225 hours of work each one torpedo .
Battery voltage reaches 124 VDC shortly after in - cass , and will drop to 115 volts two days later . This voltage drop to 104-106 Vdc after released and heading to the target .
The most common variation of this torpedo is :
T2 ( not a vocal group name you know! ) : This version has two batteries , each of which consists of 26 cells and 93 amp -per- hour total .
T3 : Same as T2 but with an additional axis of influence .
T3a : Same as T2 but with a larger battery capacity ( up to 125 amps per hour ) .
T3b : The driver of a submarine Marder . Maximum speed is 2.5 knots .
T3c : Torpedo for submarine Marder . Battery dispensed front and neutral buoyancy . Weight is 2,937 lbs ( 1,332 kg ) and distance / speed is 4,370 yards ( 4,000 m ) / 18.5 knots .
T3d Dackel : version with a slower pace but with a range of very distant , and limited in use only for a particular port or beach . Specifications lap or legs can be programmed at each end of the straight drive . Negative buoyancy is almost zero because the speed is very slow . Approximately 300 torpedoes of this type are produced and used , which begins in July 1944 . Around 80 or 90 of them successfully fired , mostly directed to the ships that are on the beach Seine . Length : 36 feet ( 11 m ) . Weight : 4,885 lbs ( 2,216 kg ) . The coverage / speed : 62,300 yards ( 57,000 m ) / 9 knots . Explosives : 620 lbs ( 281 kg ) .
T3e Kreuzotter : Other torpedo specifically used for mini-submarines ( midget ) . It weighs 2,961 lbs ( 1,343 kg ) , while the coverage / speed is 8,200 yards ( 7,500 m ) / 20 knots .
Just like the first type of torpedo , the torpedo head heavy explosives differ in many references , from the lowest weight of 617 lbs ( 280 kg) to 948 lbs highest ( 430 kg ) . The chances are that the lowest weight when the torpedo is a torpedo in the early days of the war , and the more weight is in the mid to the end of the war . For technical version of this torpedo itself is taken from the book " Naval Weapons of World War Two " by John Campbell .

Torpedo - Torpedo Homing ( Domestic ) 53.3 cm ( 21 " ) G7e T4 , T5 , T10 and T11
Type of carrier ships : Submarines
Year of manufacture : 1940
Assignments Year : 1943
Weight : T4 : 3,080 lbs . ( 1,937 kg )
T5 , T5A and T5B : N / A
T10 : 3,571 lbs ( 1,620 kg )
T11 : N / A
Overall length : 23 feet 7 inches ( 7.186 m )
Explosives : 440 lbs ( 200 kg ) Hexanite
The coverage / speed : T4 : 8,200 yards ( 7,500 m ) / 20 knots
T5 : 6,230 yards ( 5,700 m ) / 24-25 knots
T5A and T5B : 8,750 yards ( 8,000 m ) / 22 knots
T10 : 5,470 yards ( 5,000 m ) / 30 knots
T11 : 6,230 yards ( 5,700 m ) / 24-25 knots
Power : Lead - acid Battery
Note : So many notes on these torpedoes disappear when Gotenhafen Experiment Station was blown up in order to prevent it falling into the hands of Soviet troops . Experiments are important for the type of homing torpedo itself has been starting since 1936.
T4 Falke : Homer 's first passive . Homing is known as simple as the size of his voice . Usually used to blow up merchant ships , so that the low speed is acceptable . First known as G7eS , with " S " as an abbreviation of " Sonderartsführung " ( properties or special habits ) .
T5 Zaunkönig 1 ( Wren ) : known as Gnat by the British , the torpedo is mainly used to deal destroyers escorting convoys . Designed to ' silent ' when sound berongganya reached 24.5 kHz equivalent sound propeller frigate sailing at speeds of 10 to 18 knots . First used in combat in September 1943 and ended successfully .
T5A : T - 5 that has been modified and used by Schnellboote ( E - Boat ) .
T5B : Having the same power range T5A , but is used by U-boats .
T10 Spinne : Torpedo regular modified using the cable guide. First used in 1944 but the results were not satisfactory .
T11 Zaunkönig 2 : T5 which has been improvised by reducing the use of Foxer ( sound makers drawn ) .

Torpedo 45 cm ( 17.7 " ) F5
Type the carrier ship : Ship fly
Year of manufacture : 1935
Assignments Year : 1939
Weight : 1,625 lbs ( 737 kg )
Overall length : 15 feet 9 inches ( 4.804 m )
Explosives : 441 lbs ( 200 kg ) Hexanite
The coverage / speed : 2,200 yards ( 2,000 m ) / 33 knots
Power : Decahydronaphthalene ( Decalin ) Wet - Heater
Note : F5 is a minimal -capable torpedoes were first made ​​by Norway but later developed by Schwarzkopf . Its speed fell to 75 knots from 50-80 feet ( 15 to 25 m ) .

Torpedo 45 cm ( 17.7 " ) F5b
Type the carrier ship : Ship fly
Year of manufacture : 1935
Assignments Year : 1941
Weight : 1598-1790 lbs ( 725-812 kg )
Overall length : 15 feet 9 inches - 16 feet 11.5 inches ( 4,804 m - 5,160 m )
Explosives : 397-551 lbs ( 180-250 kg ) Hexanite
The coverage / speed : 2,200 yards ( 2,000 m ) / 40 knots
6,560 yards ( 6,000 m ) / 24 knots
Power : Decahydronaphthalene ( Decalin ) Wet - Heater
Note : F5b came on duty from late 1941 until after the war with only slight changes . For the control of flying in the air when it is used K3 tail made ​​of wood , which broke when it touched the water . This object is replaced by L2 in 1944 in the form of a similar but has an additional aileron ( aileron ) is driven by a heavy gyro . L2 tail is able to increase the falling speed and height , the maximum reaching 183 knots and 390 feet ( 120 m ) . The difference of weight and length as mentioned above are caused by different warheads were used .

Torpedo 45 cm ( 17.7 " ) F5W
It is a German adaptation of the torpedo Fiume " W " made ​​in Italy are used in large quantities before 5b available .

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