U - 476 , German Submarine Commander Only The One and Only !
The crew of U - 476 photographed together at the base Kriegsmarine Kiel , May 28, 1943
The crew of U - 476 photographed together at the base Kriegsmarine Kiel , May 28, 1943 . Nowadays several civilians and an officer appeared Heer participate in the photo!
Commander of U - 476 , Oberleutnant zur See Otto Niethmann
By : Alif Rafik Khan
Type VII C ...............................
Hersteller ...................... Kiel AG Deutsche Weke Gaarden
Lange ............................. 66.50 m
Machine UPM 2800-3200 .............. 750 HP
Max speed of 17.7 Kn .............................
Tauchtiefe ..................... 280 m
Diesel Fuel .................... 113.5 t
Stapellauf ...................... 04/16/1943
Indienststellung .......... 05/28/1943
Einsatzgebiet ............... 3 . Flottille , FDU Mitte , Norwegen , Frontboot .
Captain ................... Oberleutnant zur See Otto Nietmann .
On May 24, 1944 7:16 o'clock direction NNW Trondheim morning , a plane Grp CC Catalina 210 SQN RAF ( with captain FWL Maxwell SAAF ) saw a U - boat that was emerging at the surface . At that time the aircraft was on a routine patrol along the ocean , and is devoted to counteract ' bergentayangannya ' U - boat U - boat Germany .
The Catalina aircraft approaching to attack immediately . The U - boat ( which certainly is U - 476 , if not doing the title of this article U - 476 ! ) Immediately showered the attackers with a barrage of bullets from a machine gun anti-aircraft ( flak ) mounted on the body of the submarine . Unfortunately , Maxwell still managed to drop 6 anti-submarine bombs D / Cs . Beledug ! ! Soon U - 476 can be controlled to spin without then slowly sank , with the most recent bow sank to the bottom of the ocean .
Soon two U-boats are located closest to the events coming to the rescue mission . They are U - 990 and U - 276 . Their endeavors resulted passable , and 21 U - 476 crew members were rescued , including the captain Oberleutnant zur See Otto Nietmann ( although the remaining 34 ships sunk with them ) . In order to avoid the Allied mengobel - Obel remnants of the fateful submarine , U - 990 destroyed by a torpedo .
In the rescue operation , the U - 276 crew lost 3 people who were killed by enemy air attacks .
The position of the sinking of U - 476 : 65.08 N 04:54 E
sources :
The crew of U - 476 photographed together at the base Kriegsmarine Kiel , May 28, 1943
The crew of U - 476 photographed together at the base Kriegsmarine Kiel , May 28, 1943 . Nowadays several civilians and an officer appeared Heer participate in the photo!
Commander of U - 476 , Oberleutnant zur See Otto Niethmann
By : Alif Rafik Khan
Type VII C ...............................
Hersteller ...................... Kiel AG Deutsche Weke Gaarden
Lange ............................. 66.50 m
Machine UPM 2800-3200 .............. 750 HP
Max speed of 17.7 Kn .............................
Tauchtiefe ..................... 280 m
Diesel Fuel .................... 113.5 t
Stapellauf ...................... 04/16/1943
Indienststellung .......... 05/28/1943
Einsatzgebiet ............... 3 . Flottille , FDU Mitte , Norwegen , Frontboot .
Captain ................... Oberleutnant zur See Otto Nietmann .
On May 24, 1944 7:16 o'clock direction NNW Trondheim morning , a plane Grp CC Catalina 210 SQN RAF ( with captain FWL Maxwell SAAF ) saw a U - boat that was emerging at the surface . At that time the aircraft was on a routine patrol along the ocean , and is devoted to counteract ' bergentayangannya ' U - boat U - boat Germany .
The Catalina aircraft approaching to attack immediately . The U - boat ( which certainly is U - 476 , if not doing the title of this article U - 476 ! ) Immediately showered the attackers with a barrage of bullets from a machine gun anti-aircraft ( flak ) mounted on the body of the submarine . Unfortunately , Maxwell still managed to drop 6 anti-submarine bombs D / Cs . Beledug ! ! Soon U - 476 can be controlled to spin without then slowly sank , with the most recent bow sank to the bottom of the ocean .
Soon two U-boats are located closest to the events coming to the rescue mission . They are U - 990 and U - 276 . Their endeavors resulted passable , and 21 U - 476 crew members were rescued , including the captain Oberleutnant zur See Otto Nietmann ( although the remaining 34 ships sunk with them ) . In order to avoid the Allied mengobel - Obel remnants of the fateful submarine , U - 990 destroyed by a torpedo .
In the rescue operation , the U - 276 crew lost 3 people who were killed by enemy air attacks .
The position of the sinking of U - 476 : 65.08 N 04:54 E
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