
Signal - Taschenlampe and Feld - Taschenlampe ( Lamp / Flashlight Password Multi - Color )

SS - und Generalmajor Brigadeführer der Waffen- SS Jürgen Wagner ( 23 . Freiwilligen - SS - Panzergrenadier - Divison " Nederland " ) ledermantel wear ( leather jacket ) and Signal - taschenlampe ( Lamp / Flashlight password ) . Knight's Cross medal around his neck perched des eisernen Kreuzes mit Oak Leaves # 680 dated December 11, 1944 as Kommandeur 4.SS - Freiwilligen - Panzergrenadier - Brigade " Nederland "

 Oberst Constantin Meyer ( Kommandant Festung Metz in Lorraine ) when surrendered to the U.S. Third Army on November 20 , 1944. Fernglas He wears ( binoculars ) and Feld - Taschenlampe ( flashlight field ) outside offiziermantel wore. The neck is slightly protruded Knight who gets dated May 8, 1942 as Oberstleutnant and Führer Infanterie - Regiment 257 . Participate arrested with him on that day , the SS - und Generalmajor der Polizei Brigadeführer Anton Dunckern ( Auffangstab Metz )

If not ngeh , might Landser photographed in 1942 at the Russian Front is suspected of carrying an Ipod in his back ! Actually it is Feld - Taschenlampe of brands Pertrix 679 . From the muddy face and shabby uniform ( note the one that dislodged his schulterklappen ! ) In koppel ( belt ) , he wears a small bag wrapping Agfa camera on the left and patronentaschen ( ammo pouch ) on the right . we can know what the hell that has been passed by the soldiers , who even still forced a smile in order to consume the camera !

Signal - taschenlampe main function is to signal through color lights that can be set via the slide button . Three buttons are available slides are useful to shift the color display tube shut the lights and reflectors that change the base color of white to blue , green or red . Signal - taschenlampe main ingredients are usually made ​​of Bakelite , a thermo - plastic material indurent phenolic primitive German manufactured by Bayer . The advantage of this material is corrosion resistant and rust so that it can also be used by the Kriegsmarine personnel who daily come into contact with water ( sea ) . Bakelite material was also used by German artillery units

As the battery power source used with two flat metal tongue on it a magnitude 4.5 v as above . This type of battery is still produced and is 3R12P international code . As an example of this type of battery is the Duracell MN1203 similar that you can buy.

 Various forms and brands Signal - Taschenlampe and Feld - Taschenlampe used by the Wehrmacht in World War II . Remarkably , as almost all German-made machine in the future , these objects turned out to still be able to function to this day without any problems , as long as the equipment is well maintained !