Albums Karabiner 98 Kurz rifle (Kar98k, K98, or K98k)
German soldiers surrender their weapons to the Allies in a ceremony in Soest, Utrecht, Netherlands, dated May 10, 1945. Apparently they came from or Panzerjäger Sturmartillerie unit, which is visible from stug wrap uniform they wear. Photos by Willem van de Poll of the Dutch Nationaal Archief
Photo collection of the Dutch Nationaal Archief
German soldiers surrender their weapons to the Allies in a ceremony in Soest, Utrecht, Netherlands, dated May 10, 1945. Apparently they came from or Panzerjäger Sturmartillerie unit, which is visible from stug wrap uniform they wear. Photos by Willem van de Poll of the Dutch Nationaal Archief
Photo collection of the Dutch Nationaal Archief