Panzerspähwagen 8

Albums Ranpur Schwerer Panzerspähwagen 8 - Rad ( Sd.Kfz.231 and 232 )

Schwerer Panzerspähwagen 8 - Rad entered a stage of development in 1934 , five years before the German invasion of Poland . Two experiments were made at the time the vehicle was : Versuchskraftfahrzeug 623 and 624 . In 1937 its name was changed to Sd.Kfz.233 and Sd.Kfz.234 , and then changed again in 1939 became Sd.Kfz.231 and Sd.Kfz.232 . Total 607 pieces Sd.Kfz.231 and 232 were made between 1936 and 1943 ; 231 stopped production mid 1942 , while 232 September 1943 , which gave way to the mass production of Sd.Kfz.234 newer families and an improvised version of the previous . The main difference of the two versions ( 231 and 232 ) is a large frame antenna mounted on the Sd.Kfz.232 . 231 and 232 took part in every German front in World War II . In the photo above looks a Sd.Kfz.231 was leading convoys in the North African desert

 Sd.Kfz.231 series has a crew of 4 people , speed up 85km/jam , as well as a unique steering wheel in the front and rear which enable a way forward and atret ( backward ) with the same speed ! Dome can be rotated fully equipped with machine gun MG 34 7.92 mm and smaller 20mm cannon . At first , a KwK30 come fitted as well , but was later replaced by KwK38 in July 1942 . This adds to the shot rate of 280 rounds to 450 rounds / minute , which can be used to clear the opposing infantry distance of 1200 meters and also combat vehicles at distances up to 600 -1000 meters . Photos taken in North Africa shows five soldiers Afrikakorps was looking through the machine panel saw one side of an 8 - Rad Schwerer Panzerspähwagen painted in tropical colors . Ranpur above all the dirty looks , where dust and mud strewn in his body . Combat compartment door on the right was blocked by a shoe box welded on the end fendernya

 As of February 1943 , eight wheels fitted with tires in Panzerspähwagen bulletproof to close itself . Each wheel has as complete independent suspension with leaf springs and rubber thus enabling the vehicle to withstand loads up to 8.3 tonnes . Sd.Kfz.231 designed to be able to ward off bullets under 8mm caliber up to a distance of 30m , while the engine on the side and rear armor protected up to 10mm thick ( front, side and rear other 8mm thickness , while the roof and rear deck 5mm ) . Here we see the final production vehicle Panzerspähwagen Schwerer , where beloknya marker lights have been moved to the fender and removed the protective rails . Sd.Kfz.231 above equipped with smoke antidote that were added since the beginning of 1942. Notice the protective netting covering the headlights ! Sd.Kfz.233 heavier trailing behind

 The other end of the production characteristics is the absence of a bullet splash shield above the visor ( visor ) . This has started a sort of protective removed from 1939 , when the visor is much simpler was introduced . Pipe on the front bumper was introduced in July 1942 . Vehicles this one also does not have a guard rail side position now occupied by the turn marker ( 1942 other modifications ) . On the left side there is a dome antenna holder ( although the antenna is not no ! ) , Where the radio turret was introduced in 1941. Radio is just a special kind among members of the unit , due to the limited transmission power of up to 1km . Viewing of schirmmütze worn by people who grinned kuya , then we can know that Schwerer Panzerspähwagen is not owned Heer and SS

sources :
Magazine " Allied - Axis " edition No.04