U - 4701

U - 4701

U - 4701 , Type XXIII submarines were first made by the Germania shipyard in Kiel , started to " taste " the ocean first time on January 10, 1945 . Ship this one provides a good example of the speed issues that become a burden of the " stakeholder expectations " for The U - boat unit in the final phases of the war . The work start on October 19, 1944 and completed on 14 December . Less than four weeks later , on January 10, 1945 , the ship has begun to be prepared to sail under the command of Oberleutnant zur See Arnold Wiechmann ( Crew X/39 ) . Crew training begins at the base 5 . Unterseebootsflotille in Kiel . Unfortunately , this training is not yet finished when the war in Europe ended trigger . As a result , a few moments before giving up , the ship made ​​it painstakingly sunk by its own crew off the coast of Höruphaff ( Horuphav ) , Denmark , in order to prevent it falling into enemy hands ! The above photo , taken when the banner commanders and Reich war flag was raised, clearly show the pattern of the skin layer rivet steel tower supervisor as well as the position of the light curves of the fairing adapted to the vessel body . Of all the equipment in the back of the control tower that can be drawn in, just peilring ( DF loop ) are visible . Retractable snorkel possibilities for security reasons . Only one of the two- pole antenna ( ASTA - Hand ) manually extendable seen hanging in the stand . The antenna has a length of 1.8 m with a rubber -coated bottom . Holder left side looked empty . UAK - Kennung ( UAK Code ) contained in tiny plate -shaped horizontal section , and an identifying hallmark of the 47th German submarine of this type

sources :
Magazine " U - Boot im Focus " No.2 of 2007