Panzerkampfwagen V

Profile Panzerkampfwagen V Panther

Befehlspanzerwagen V Panther Ausf . A Stab , SS - Panzer - Regiment 5/5.SS-Panzer-Division " Wiking " . Almost all of the photos that show this one show tank commander SS - Panzer - Regiment 5 , SS - Obersturmbannführer Mühlenkamp Johannes , who was hanging out on top of a cupola as shown in the picture above . Interestingly , Befehlspanzerwagen ( command tanks ) with turmnummer ( turret number ) R01 real existence is known and there is at least one photo showing the Panther R02 with different commanders cupola on top ( which is unfortunately still not been identified to date ) . The explanation is this: in an effort to escape from the cordon Kovel Russian troops in the spring of 1944, driven by Mühlenkamp Panther hit a mine planted outside Kovel on the morning of 5 April 1944 . During the two- day sitting Panthernya could not be repaired because of the ferocity of the fighting . Most likely the ill-fated Panther is R01 and , until he can be fixed , inevitably Mühlenkamp using Panther R02 belongs aide ( who turns transmissivity , beibeh ! )

Bergepanther , SS - Panzer - Regiment 5/5.SS-Panzer-Division " Wiking " . In his account of the fighting around Kovel end of March 1944 , SS - Hauptsturmführer Karl Nicolussi - Leck ( Chef 8.Kompanie/II.Abteilung/SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 ) said that he has three pieces of this type of vehicle that functions as a " walking workshop " for Panther - Panther in his company were damaged . Bergepanther above comes from the earliest models and do not include large shovel which is usually mounted on the rear hull . The illustration above is based on a photo taken in the summer of 1944

sources :
The book " Viking Summer ; 5.SS - Panzer - Division in Poland 1944 " by Dennis Oliver