Fallschirmjager training school ( Schule Fallschirmjager ) , churning out best paratroopers in the world !
Fallschirmjager soldiers parachuting complete with uniform

Fallschirmjager awaits departure to the battlefield in Norway , the month of April 1940
Generaloberst Kurt Student , the father of the German parachute troops , Fallschirmjager troops inspect favorite

Fallschirmjager soldiers in the battle of Crete in 1941 complete with guns and hand grenades typical German , Potato - Smasher
Fallschirmjager troops boarding troop truck catches after England won the battle of Crete bloody

Fallschirmjager troops in their winter jackets
Fallschirmjager officer who is also a Ritterkreuzträger ( Kstaria Cross holder ) in tropical uniforms , being awarded his men with Eiserne Kreuz II klasse

SS Fallschirmjager proud with the results of their prey , uniform greatness of Partisan leader , Josif Broz Tito
SS Fallschirmjager in camouflage uniforms that contrasts with views in tow !

The soldiers Fallschirmjager check , the curious , the Thompson machine gun SMG spoils of England
Fallschirmjager , in the face of fatigue but still in high spirits , posing among the rubble that destroyed the monastery of Monte Cassino in Italy Allied

Rewards that can be obtained a Fallschirmjager . Fallschirmjager soldiers who won the highest award is the General der Fallschirmtruppe Ramcke Bernhard Hermann , who was awarded Brillanten by Adolf Hitler , one of only 27 people in the entire German armed forces !
The concept of airborne troops themselves have been around much during the Greek City States in the era of the Peloponnesian War in 460 BC , when Sparta had the idea to lower his hoplites from the sky and landed behind the columns of the Athenian hoplites being maneuvered . This idea can at them from the ancient Greek legend of Icarus and Bellerophon ie . But of course it is still a period of wishful thinking , due to fly alone there is no tool that can support their concepts in practice.
Plunge from the air tool commonly called a parachute or an umbrella , obviously is used in warfare when Great War ( World War I , 1914-1918 ) , but the umbrella is still a lifesaver tool for reconnaissance soldier from a hot air balloon .
Umbrella also has been used on a limited basis as a means of transportation to reduce aid ammunition , light cannons , machine guns and other military equipment .
As for the Biplane pilots at that time , the umbrella is haram because the fighter pilots , who are mostly groups prioritize aristocratic knights nature not to leave the plane , apart from factors that do not support the cockpit they carry an umbrella as a means of salvation .
World War I was marked by a lack of innovation strategy to quell machine - gun barrage and artilley when each party human wave attacks by factors other than inadequate technology to make its way into more mobile warfare according to the needs of the time . The road became a static war by relying on defense trenches , however, some noteworthy implementation of a new strategy as an elite infantry unit of Germany ( Sturmtruppen ) that does not rely on the number but rely on speed maneuvering and infiltrate into the back of the opponent 's defense line for cutting off supplies and seize strategic points to duties were replaced by units of the army advanced aircraft with human wave attack . Also in July 1917 , a large number of tanks in the first used on the battlefield when the Battle of Ypres .
When the United States entered the arena in the middle of World War I in 1917 and face the rigors of battle and standoff in nature , Brigadier General Billy Mitchell in the middle of 1918 to provide input to deploy the 1st Infantry Division ( Big Red One ) air to the rear of the German line of defense Metz , but unfortunately the concept was never realized due to factors such as limited beberpa aircraft carrier , doctrine and training.
In mid 1920'an , Italy experimented with paratroopers , but the concept has not in practice significantly in their military operations or to support combat doctrines are mature , although formed unit of the Division Folgore paratroopers and Nembo in years 1927.
Application of the concept of real paratroopers and the first large -scale conducted by Russia in 1932, which formed an independent unit that is Vozdushno - Desantnye Vojska ( VDV ) or airborne Desant .
In 1933 and 1934 air show in Russia provide Moscow with paratroopers jump attraction . Back in the summer of 1935 near Kiev , Russia gives attraction to mass troops parachuting 6,000 troops .
When the skydiving attraction , Herman Göring watched in fascinated and want to develop in their own country , namely Germany , the problem at the time was the Treaty of Versailles which limited the space for their military .
Moreover Russia is also conducting an investigation for the delivery of heavy field artillery , light armored vehicles and tanks through umbrella .
After cleansing episodes senior officers deemed disloyal to the Communist Party under the leadership of Iosif Stalin at that time in 1937, back Russian paratroopers only as a concept without the support of the doctrines for a more mature paratroopers .
During World War II , Russia's only made two air traffic operations , namely :
1 ) Between December 1941 to March 1942 , of which approximately 10,500 paratroopers in terjunkan in behind the German lines to seize strategic targets and support the parent troop movement , but is very easy to fail and destroyed his opponent .
2 ) 3 Airborne Brigade troops and 3rd Brigade troops with Gliders landing on 24 September 1943 deployed along the Dnieper near Kremenchug , about 30 miles behind the German defense . Back in abort this operation by German paratroopers which can only help a little Russian troop movements of its parent .
History The establishment of Fallschirmjager ( Airborne )
It is better to look back when Germany declared ketidaksanggupannya to continue to fight in World War I (1914 - 1918) and ask for Armistice ( cease-fire ) to the Allies on October 3, 1918 .
Then created the Treaty of Versailles on May 7, 1919 , where in it there are many clauses imposed by the UK pressing , but many opposed by France, because France did not want too strong British influence in Europe and in the world . Additionally , U.S. President Woodrow Wilson at the time , namely , does not want to sign the Treaty .
The outline of the Treaty of Versailles are as follows :
- Germany should withdraw its forces from France , Belgium , Luxembourg and East Prussia ( the time after a request has been made truce in Compiegne forest , November 1918 ) .
- Submit partially territory like : Rheinland , Sudentenland , most of East Prussia ( became part of Poland ) and submit all its colonies in Africa and the Pacific to the Allies .
- Returning the provinces Alsace and Loraine are on to Germany from the French - Prussian war in 1871.
- Submit 5,000 artillery , 25,000 machine - gun , 5,000 locomotives , 5,000 trucks , 15,000 coaches , 1,700 fighter / bombers , submarines and throughout the rest of the German warship should be sent to Scapa Flow ( British naval base ) to be distributed to the Allies .
- Replace a loss of 5 billion dollars in gold or equivalent starting in May 1921 .
- May not have tanks , fighter / bombers and warships ( Capital Ships ) , the German military industry will be closely monitored .
- In the let has 100,000 troops ( Reichswehr , national defense ) .
With the restrictions of the Treaty, means Germany after World War I has prohibited the Air Force and all its supporting components.
But secretly, Germany and Russia are also disadvantaged by the absence of the Treaty as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution, at the end of the year 1920'an cooperate for trials and training ground paratroopers on the border between Germany and Russia (Soviet) is in Lupesk .
In addition, Gliding sports both hang gliders and aircraft glide without engine is a popular sport in Germany and does not violate the Treaty of Versailles. Gliding sports and unity of Germany, at a later helped direct the formation of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) to provide prospective pilots, both pilots plane with engine or without engine for military needs.
Hermann Göring was a Fighter Ace in World War I who obtained Pour le Merite (Blauer Max) as a sign of his heroic services, in addition to rebuilding after the rejection of the German Air Force over the Treaty, is a figure that encourage the formation of German paratroopers in the future.
With his position as Chief of Police of the province of Prussia in 1933, Göring formed Luftaufsicht (air units trained) from Polizeiabteilung (police detachment) "Wecke" in Berlin, for special operations police crack down on the activities of communism in Germany, the formation of even this does not violate the Treaty , because this unit is under police and military is not the limit.
With the rise of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 and the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles Germany over in March 1935 with the creation of military service, replacing the Reichswehr to Wehrmacht (Armed Forces) and sending troops to take back the Rhineland in 1936, then opened opportunities Göring to develop Luftwaffe (Air Force) including Fallschirmjager.
The concept continues to evolve and provide input to the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) that are right paratroopers with the advancement of technology and enter the era of modern warfare, with concepts such as:
- Baled in line behind the opponent's defense once the opponent lose their concentrations in the forefront.
- Seize and maintain strategic targets such as bridges, main roads / intersections, ports, airports, until his position was replaced by a parent forces.
- Breaking the supply chain opponent, sabotage or destroy installations mission communications / military.
- For Light Infantry paratroopers.
- The troops landed in the Glider Infantry to Heavy equipment and heavy weaponry.
- To support the above concepts, it only takes troop units in the small scale operation but directed to support major operations / parent.
On April 1, 1935, police units "Wecke" changed its name to'' Regiment General Göring'', and effective from October 1, 1935, through Reichminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (Air Ministry),'' Regiment General Göring'' in bestowed on the police to the Luftwaffe who also was under the command of Hermann Göring Reichmarschall.
The people of the Regiment General Göring'''' became the first unit to receive training in Doberitz and Altengrabow to form Fallschirmschützen Bataillon (Battalion Army Rifle Umbrella).
In mid-1936, Oberkommando des Heeres (Army high command) opened registration for volunteers to schwere-Fallschirm-Infanterie Kompanie (Umbrella Company for Heavy Infantry) who will be trained in Stendal, about 90 km from Berlin.
Furthermore, in early 1937, formed Fallschirmschule (for Military Parachute School) in Stendal and start production Glider namely Deutsches Forschunginstitut Fur Segelflug (DFS-230) for military needs.
Battle Orders is growing with the appointment of Generalmajor Kurt Student as Inspekteur der Fallschirm-und-Luftlandetruppen (Inspector Umbrella forces and Landing), where Fallschirmschützen Bataillon be: I Bataillon, 1 Fallschirmjager Regiment (I / FJR1) and schwere-Fallschirm-Infanterie Kompanie absorbed by Luftwaffe into: II Bataillon, 1 Fallschirmjager Regiment (II / FJR1) and sanctioned form a third battalion (III / FJR1) in the first regiment of paratroopers.
Besides Kurt Student had the task to develop and establish paratroopers 7 Flieger Division (Airborne Division 7), in fact the number 7 as a sequence of divisions is to trick foreign parties, because there is no air traffic division 1 to 6.
Organizational structure of the standard fighter (Battle Orders) an umbrella division of Germany during World War II is composed of:
- The following Division divisional HQ staff.
- A motor vehicle platoon.
- The Provost Company (Fallschirm-Feldgendarmerie Truppe).
- Three Infantry Regiment umbrellas, each consisting of three Battalion.
- Each regiment and battalion HQ has the staff and each has a Signal Platoon (Platoon password and Communications).
- Each battalion has three Light Infantry Company and the Company Heavy Infantry.
- A Division also has an Artillery Regiment, a battalion Pionier (combat engineer, combat surveillance, demolition and other units), the reserve battalion, the Battalion Panzerjäger (anti-tank), one Battalion Fliegerabwehrkanone (anti-aircraft), and one Battalion password, include units such as medical aid, weather observer, units and other supplies.
The fundamental difference to the concept of the German paratroopers during World War II, the Luftwaffe (Air Force) with Heeres (AD) is:
1) The concept of the Luftwaffe (Göring and Student), paratroopers in konsepkan as commandos, operating on a small scale with strategic targets, but not as Line Infantry deployed air traffic that used to fight with opponents Line Infantry.
This is seen in such operations in Norway / Denmark, fortress Eben Emael, Corinth Canal, Gran Sasso, Monte Rotondo, and other Dodecanese islands.
Only one exception, namely Operatie Mercure on the island of Crete, May 20, 1941, for the first and last large-scale and partly Line Infantry operations as usual with air traffic.
2) The concept Heeres, paratroopers expected as Line Infantry, deployed troops mass in the rear and locked while battling opponents but not to master strategic targets are impromptu and then replaced by the parent forces.
Because during World War II, the German-owned equipment itself minimal (transport planes paratroopers to support large-scale operations), minimal fuel and grow to 11 Division (until the end of World War II), Fallschirmjager Elite Line Infantry firm as such when battles at Leningrad, Monte Cassino, Normandy, Ardennes and in sectors other ground operations.
Although there are differences between the Luftwaffe with Heeres concept, but in practice both by their real and proven effective, as well as a reference of other countries including the UK and develop new American in 1941 after witnessing the success of operations Fallschirmjager in the previous year.
Selection and Admission
Both in the era before and during World War II, the selection and admission of candidates Fallschirmjager Luftwaffe conducted with rigorous selection and severe stages, with the consideration that the concept is new and paratroopers will support the era of modern warfare, as well as the expected Fallschirmjager elected aware that they are elite units and ready to be a heavy task for a volunteer to be received at a later date with a different combat doctrines of regular infantry combat doctrine.
As for test selection and admission of candidates Fallschirmjager conducted for one week with the stages as follows (no exception though the candidates are from the military):
- Limitation of the maximum weight of 85 kg, the candidate who has the required down excess weight within one week during the selection process, when not managed to lose weight although other selection tests pass, the candidate was given the opportunity to repeat one more time from the initial selection tests and acceptance .
- Furthermore, the selection and admission to the program of physical and mental tests, and interspersed with medical tests.
- When passing the previous stages, will be given the experience of flying with a Dornier 23, candidates who experience pain or airsickness will be returned to the previous stage and given the opportunity once again. The reason is that the physical readiness for the candidates not experience airsickness airsickness due to dehydration, which is required for a Fallschirmjager excellent physical readiness and remain alert while landing with her umbrella.
- The next phase of testing, the candidates parachuted from the tower with a height of 15 meters, this testing to prove whether the candidates are afraid of heights or not.
- Running cross-country following artificial barriers with a matter of time, which is done alone, in pairs and in groups, to test the usefulness aggressiveness and willingness to cooperate, in which case it will be very important later on when on the battlefield.
- Other tests examine the ability of initiative and leadership qualities to the imagination.
- Guidelines for the introduction of field expertise and dismantle weapons (which checking) in a matter of time.
- Test knowledge in addition to literacy and fluency, the main requirement of the candidates are not illiterate.
- Oral and written exam on Military Law, and the history of the Nazi party doctrine.
- Finally, an interview with a battalion commander, usually with questions that trap.
Doctrine of Combat and Training
The paratroopers are categorized as light infantry (Jäger) and not equipped with heavy weapons or ammunition that is in the all-sufficiency for the region beyond the reach of the opponent and artillery support and supply lines while deployed, then the replacement or acquisition of the task force units from the parent must done quickly, directed and coordinated.
Weakness paratroopers are deployed with their weapons (except the light gun) and a separate equipment, where weapons, ammunition and equipment will be deployed first in werkzügtasche (container equipment) before the first parachutist. Therefore, the physical and mental readiness to remain vigilant, quick and agile than a Fallschirmjager, is indispensable.
If the paratroopers are very vulnerable to counter-attack from opponents with greater strength following artillery and tanks, why take the chance? The essence of the answer is: the majority of the decisive battle in the win through a combination of the speed element, the element of surprise and impromptu, and not necessarily by superiority in the number of people and equipment.
Movement soared to clamp or even more severe, could be behind the line while fighting opponents are always the best, fastest and minimize losses to win.
In normal situations on the battlefield, every soldier considers what is in front of the opponent and what is behind it is a friend. Pemahamanan paratroopers change as it is with the term vertikales umschlagen (vertical envelopment). Even with a small amount landed on the back of the opponent's defense line, every soldier will be taken attention opponent by looking back, rather than concentrate on what is in the front line. Reserve forces opponents that will be useful to the forefront of the distribution is likely to be absorbed by the paratroopers to crush, especially if strategic targets captured and controlled by them.
And also, there is never a reserve force that is sufficient to keep the entire area of critical or strategic places in order to face the paratroopers, the advantages to be gained while paratroopers.
Besides sharpening loyal nature and the nature of the current knights on the battlefield, these two properties are indispensable for any Fallschirmjager, where they will need each other, protect each other, trust each other and treat his opponent with a reasonable, considering they were deployed and fought deep in the opponent's area . Started sharpening properties loyal and focused on the smallest of Battle Order Zug (squads).
This is evident in the later days, Fallschirmjager recorded their names as a true combat unit, the elite and fight fair.
But there is one exception, if they are dealing with guerrillas or partisans, they are expected to relentless, and often occur, or partisan guerrillas captured directly in the execution. In every regular soldiers from various countries, guerrilla or partisan will be treated the same, because they fought in a way that is considered to be a knight, after the attack or sabotage and cause harm, guerrilla / partisan will blend in with civilians.
Hitler myself also contributed one chapter in the "Ten Commandments Fallschirmjager": "dealing with the regular army, Fight knights, dealing with insurgents, no mercy".
In the first years of World War II, doctrine and knowledge as this is German owned and developed by a very effective and efficient to support the concept of Blitzkrieg (lightning war), where Fallschirmjager many inspiring and contributions.
In fact, it is very inspiring to Britain and America after the success of the military operations carried out by Germany, where they were previously lacking an appreciation of the value of the paratroopers and slowly expanding it.
In sum and also to facilitate understanding and to remember the soldiers, combat doctrine Fallschirmjager summarized as: Licht und Geschwindigkeit (Light and Speed) with the commands as follows:
Zehn Gebote des Fallschirmjägers
(Ten Commandments Fallschirmjager)
1) Du bist ein der Deutschen Auserwählter Armee!
(You are the chosen people as the Germans!)
2) Du wirst den Kampf suchen und Dich ausbilden, jede Art von zu Prüfung ertragen.
(You will seek combat and will be trained in all kinds of trials)
3) Für Dich, Erfüllung sein soll die Schlacht.
(For you, the battle is fulfillment)
4) Pflege wahre Kameradschaft, denn durch die Hilfe Deiner Kameraden wirst Du oder siegen sterben!
(Faithful to your friend, because with the help of your friend you will win or die!)
5) Hüte Vorm Reden Dich! Sei nicht bestechlich! Handeln Männer, Frauen während schwatzen. Grab Reden bringen kann Dich ins!
(Be careful with a lot of talking! Do not ramble! Men in action, while the talkative woman. Much talk will take you to the grave!)
6) Sei vorsichtig ruhig und, und stark entschlossen! Tapferkeit und eines Begeisterung Angriffsgeistes die wird Dich lassen Oberhand im Angriff behalten.
(Quiet and alert, strong and full consideration! Courage and enthusiasm of a spirit to attack will prevent failure)
7) Wertvollste Das ist die angesichts des Feindes Munition. Jenige der, der unnütz schießt, um sich nur beruhigen, verdient nicht den Namen "Fallschirmjager".
(The most valuable thing is dealing with the enemy ammunition. They are irregular firing will hurt yourself, and do not deserve to be called as "Fallschirmjager")
8) Du kannst siegreich nur sein, wenn Waffen gut sind Deine. Achte darauf, Dass Du Dich an das Gesetz hältst: "Erst dann und ich meine Waffe".
(You can only gain a victory, if the gun is in good condition. Heed this as a law for you: "The first gun and the new me!")
9) Gegen Feind Kampfe mit einen offenen Ritterlichkeit, gegen einen Partisanen gewähre kein Pardon!
(Faced with the regular army, Fight knights, dealing with insurgents, no mercy!)
10) Stop Deine Augen offen! Behende sei wie ein Windhund, so Zah wie Leder, so hart wie Kruppstahl, so wirst Du nur die Verkörperung des Deutschen Kriegers.
(Open your eyes wide open! Gesitlah like a Greyhound, tough as leather, hard as Krupp steel, and you will be a true German soldier)
After passing the admission selection process is quite heavy, recruit Fallschirmjager in addition to receiving combat doctrines above, will again receive physical and mental training are more severe for 8 weeks in a boot-camp Stendal, with the following stages:
- Physical exercise continuing from morning, afternoon and evening, the goal for the recruits actually function as a light infantry formed. Speed is everything and should be maintained as closely as possible to the recruit and his friends.
- At the same time, day after day, filled with memahirkan use of bayonet training, sessions fight without weapons and instructions on the use / maintenance of weapons.
- Training on the use of hand grenades Stielgranate both M39 and M24 as well as Eiergranate standard rifle of the Wehrmacht that Mauser Gewehr 98 and Kar98.
- Furthermore, the use of any weapons proficiency and military equipment at the time such as pistols, sub-machine-guns, machine-guns, mortars and mines, but not only the German factory output, recruits are also trained to use foreign weapons which might be used at a later date. This must be done because they will plunge deep in the opponent and bring ammunition is limited and it is possible that they run out of ammunition, and will wear opponents weapons while on duty.
- Training strategy and its application in the field, at levels ranging from Zug (team) until the level Kompanie (company) and to the overall Bataillon (battalion) is the basic fighting unit. At this stage, there will be more obstacles both natural and artificial, artificial defenses, minefields and barbed wire.
- Furthermore, 16 days of training with a dove and landing equipment such as trampolines, rope suspension, as well as the air expands and exercises. Recruit trained intensively to conduct its own packaging umbrella in pairs, in most other countries, this is done by specialists.
- Recruit enjoined to meet 6 times jump before eligible to receive Fallschirmschützenabzeichen (badge plunge).
- Furthermore, enjoined to perform five times jump to different heights, in different wind speeds and the final jump in visibility conditions / vision difficult, if these are met will receive Fallschirmschützenschein (certificate plunge).
- Finally, the award insignia in the form of silver and gold colored Fallschirmjager and congratulations from the instructor, then marched out of the boot-camp with full pride parade in the town of Stendal to join the battalion where bertugasnya Oberjäger (soldier), while continuing to practice keeping Light and his Speed.
Supplies, umbrellas, Armament and Equipment Transport
Equipment and Fallschirmjager appearance on from head to toe as follows:
- Helmet plunge Stalhelme used is a modified M35, where the edge (ear and neck protectors) in the exhaust to reduce wind pressure falls apart while minimizing injuries that may occur as a result of sharp edges when the first beat of the time jump. The plunge helmet insignia given by the three national colors and symbols on the right side of the Luftwaffe on the left side.
Originally tejun helmet is blue-gray, but because of the experience on the battlefield, as in North Africa and Tunisa, this helmet is colored dark green and deep yellow with the insignia removed.
- Other equipment that is Fliegermütze head (cap tilted), Einsheitsmütze (field cap) and Schirmütze (officer's cap), in addition to winter use in Russia, issued hat of thick woolen material below the ear and neck protectors.
- T-shirt in linen, wool socks, overalls are all standard Luftwaffe, but there is one exception which was produced specifically for the theater Fallschirmjager in North Africa that is brightly colored silk scarves.
- Jackets and shirts also Luftwaffe green standards, such as Fliegerbluse (official clothes) or Tuchrock (marsupial four field jacket). Tuchrock given belt at the waist and at all ranks, generally wear extra holster, outside Fallschirmjager wearing a jacket Fallschirmkittel (robe falls) are made of thick cotton. The main function of is to avoid jams Fallschirmkittel parts of Tuchrock, belt and holster on the strap hook and rope umbrella when the beat early in the jump.
For winter use, especially when operating in Russia, produced a thick coat of wool following heavy gloves.
- In 1942 during which Fallschirmjager divisions that have formed over many operations on land rather than jump operations, issued Kampfjacke (combat jacket) made from a mixture of rayon and cotton with camouflage patterned flakes (splinter camouflage), officially replacing Fallschirmkittel in battlefield in ground operations.
- Combat Trousers (Hosen) green clothes older than his superior, convenient to use and easy to move because it is quite loose with two side pockets and two pockets at the hip.
- Knieauflage (knee cap) is used when the plunge and are generally removed after landing because it inhibits movement.
- What distinguishes German Fallschirmjager with unity other than the Fallschirmkittel is Handschuhe (gloves) black leather soft and Fallschirmschnürschuhe (shoe falls) made of black leather with soles made of rubber, as well as easy and comfortable for movement. Shoe falls later in the adoption by the British troops to cross their air supplies were obtained from captive Fallschirmjager when Operatie Weserübung, 9 April 1940 in Norway.
Umbrellas were used by Germany before and at the beginning of World War II is Rückenfallschirm Zwangsauslösung 1 (RZ1, packing a backpack umbrella to be opened) derived from the civil design for the needs of the sport.
RZ1 has a canopy shape (half circle), made of white silk gray and consists of the following 28 banks of the rope with a total surface of 56 square meters wide.
Disadvantages of RZ1 modified and improved by RZ16 which came into use at the beginning of 1940, then RZ20 RZ36 with 20 edges and canopy where it is more like the shape of a triangle than a half sphere that can reduce the initial shock at the opening of an umbrella, the current situation on the air and landing more soft.
Strap hook (static lines) to attract packing backpack umbrella when it falls along the 9-meter, which allows the diver was already in a vertical position to air and landed at a distance of 25 meters to 30 meters after the beat and hook strap means it can be deployed / operate at an altitude of 100 meters.
Rifles, pistols and submachine guns / heavy used by Fallschirmjager is commonly used by the Armed Forces in accordance production period, such as:
- MP 38/40, Gewehr 43, Kar98k, StG44, MG 15/34/42, such as the Luger pistol, the Walther P38 and Sauer 38h, in addition to the requirements of the Fallschirmjager bandoliers made circular hanging from the neck to the hips as the extra ammunition and Werkzügtasche (containers for weapons, ammunition and equipment).
- A specially made rifle to the German paratroopers in World War II is FG42 (Fallschirmjager Gewehr) and manufactured by Borsig AG-Rheinmettel, began to be used for operations in the Gran Sasso to rescue Mussolini mission in September 1943. Rifle can be functionalized with semi automatic and fully automatic, caliber 7.92 mm, weight 4.5 kg, length 94 cm with a maximum firing range of 1,100 meters. Also equipped with a binocular viewfinder, small foldable bipod and a bayonet for close combat.
The rifle functioned for a Fallschirmjager as Sharpshooter (sniper) in the Zug (team).
Transport equipment for airborne missions and flip are:
- Junkers JU-52's called "Tante Ju", which can carry 18 Fallschirmjager with a absetzer (observer falls), total aircraft weight: 11 tons, with a powerful 725 horsepower engine, piston-engined BMW radial enginees, a maximum speed of 280 km per hour and landing with a speed of 80 km per hour, which means technically able to land on a short field.
- Deutsches Forschunginstitut Fur Segelflug (DFS-230) started at the beginning of production in 1937 by Gottaer Waggonfabrik AG, until the end of the war has been in production by 1500 Gliders. DFS-230 (light assault glider) following its variants became the mainstay of the Luftwaffe for the following infantry landing heavy equipment, in addition to low-cost factors of production are also factors to ease control while airborne and landed.
In addition to a driver who is also a trained Fallschirmjager (also trained as a protector after landing momentum attack by firing light machine gun MG-15 from the upper chamber of the wheel), DFS-230 can carry up to 12 Fallschirmjager.
When takeoff, airframe equipped with two additional wheels that will be released automatically when the air, and when the landing is a dangerous moment when the inexperienced driver. To reduce speed during landing, a kind of "timber skidded to landings" (wooden landing skid) permanently attached under the fuselage and acts as a brake, often added with barbed wire.
The total weight of approximately 1 ton glider with a length of 12 meters and a wingspan of 24 meters, a maximum speed of about 200 miles per hour and at the time of withdrawal of the towing aircraft such as the JU-52, a speed of 160 km per hour.
- Gotha GO-242 (medium assault glider) with a capacity below 21 Fallschirmjager equipment. Was first used for operations in the Mediterranean and North Africa, its pull is a Heinkel 111 aircraft. Glider body length of 17 meters with a wing span of 28 meters.
In 1944 was produced on a small scale that GO-244 with two engines, but due to the easy target for opponents and fighter production costs are quite expensive, GO-244 is used only as a training aircraft for Fallschirmjager in boot-camp and munitions delivery missions and supplies in the rear.
- Messerschmitt Me 321 - Gigant (heavy assault glider) in konsepkan after successful military operations in France and the low-lying countries (June 1940). At the time of design, transport aircraft is planned to be able to carry 100 Fallschirmjager, with a fuselage length of 31 meters and a wingspan of 60 meters. Gigant until the end of World War II has not been used for the operation of air traffic, just behind the defensive line is used for the delivery of supplies.
Most of Operations During World War II Fallschirmjager
Mission flip / Airborne:
• Granite Sturmgruppe Fort Eben Emael, May 10, 1940
Germany plans to Blitzkrieg Western front (with operation Fall Gelb) at the beginning of World War II, to attack and subdue the French and the low-lying states will be implemented after beating Poland (September 1939) that as a neutral ground for dealing with Russia.
The pattern is similar to the strategy of the magnitude of the current strategy of World War I which Schlieffen Plan, but has been on a revision of Erich von Manstein Generaloberts proposal, namely:
- Armee Gruppe B perform a sweep of the right wing passed through the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (plains states) to lure the main forces of France and the British Expeditionary Forces helped the Netherlands and Belgium.
- Armee Gruppe A as the primary attack and from the middle to cut and shut the French troops and the British Expeditionary Forces through the Ardennes Forest, crossed the Meuse river and the city of Sedan to the beach area in the towns of Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk on the banks of the English Channel and the Atlantic Sea .
- Armee Gruppe C as an inducement that French troops remained motionless on the defensive line / Maginot fortifications.
Germany, both at the beginning and during World War II, more rely on strategy, organization of combat (Battle Orders) are more modern, effective and efficient as well as mastery of the terrain, rather than the number of equipment and troops.
Structure of attack operation Fall Gelb (Case Yellow) in cracked into the operations of smaller and independent but full coordination among its Battle Order.
Strategic targets and important (to the top) in Belgium for the partial implementation of the operation Fall Gelb to be seized and secured are:
1) Bridge Vroenhoven.
2) Fort Eben Emael.
3) Bridge Veldwezelt.
4) Bridge Kanne.
Where further bridges will be used by 6. Armee (Army 6) for further penetration into the mainland Belgium.
Fort Eben Emael reason why the military is regarded as the second most important targets due to the following matters:
1) It has 2 120mm cannon with a range of fire reaches 18 km and can rotate 360 degrees in a sturdy steel dome, and 16 caliber 75mm cannon firing range up to 8 km (4 of which are also in the steel dome that can shoot in any direction), where The cannon can protect the city of Maastricht in the North and South in the city Vise.
Moreover, it has 12 60mm caliber cannons, 24 heavy machine-gun, 6 light machine-gun, 4 canon 60mm caliber counterforce air strikes and 6 floodlights.
These guns, especially the caliber 120mm, can be used to destroy the Belgian troops third important bridges over and impede the advance of German troops.
2 ) This fort was built in 1932 and was completed in 1935 at a cost of about 24 million Francs at the time, was built because of bad experiences Belgium against Germany during World War I.
Built on a rocky granite hill with a height of 50 meters above sea level and protected by natural factors and artificial defenses , on the side of the Albert Canal in the north and the river Meuse in the East , trap / tank ditch 20 meters wide with a length of 1,500 meters and barbed wire in the West and South , and only has one entrance . Overall length that form a triangular fort about 900 meters north - east and east - south 700 meters , with the width of both sides of 300 meters and is located on 5 acres of land .
Has 2 floors penetrate the hill ( located on it Pillboxes , Casemates , Bunkers with periscope voyeur and Cupolas , the following variation of the roofs with a height of 5 meters ) . Both downstairs hills and rooftops were connected by ladders , where there are two main stairs , two elevators and corridors along the 4.5 km below the hill ( transportation officers in the fort wearing a bicycle ) .
Same with the French with his Maginot fort , Belgium still adhered to the pattern Sitzkrieg ( war sit and wait ) or Trench War ( trench warfare ) because it has not had a strategy to dampen innovation machine guns and heavy artillery hit while more mobile military movements and elastic in the pattern - pattern of attack and their defense .
Eben Emael fort very well-situated , well -armed and well - defended strongpoint , very difficult to penetrate / captured from all directions , so convictions Belgian military officers , soldiers Belgium , Belgian people and military observers at the time.
3 ) It has a powerful garrison of 1,200 soldiers ( about 500 soldiers in the service of the guns ) Fort Eben Emael within , which can grow with the support of the infantry barracks outside the fort also protected by natural and artificial factors , so that they can persist for several weeks though besieged , as it has 6 generators as power plants themselves .
When the German attack or seizure of strategic targets is done by frontal assault , it is highly likely important bridges on the river Meuse and the Albert Canal will be damaged or completely destroyed due to blown up by the Belgian forces to stymie the German offensive .
Fort Eben Emael especially , frontal assault would be suicide or will sacrifice thousands of soldiers and equipment to capture it .
Caliber cannons are owned by Eben Emael at the beginning of World War II is quite advanced , given the panzer - panzer ( tank ) totaling 2,800 German panzers at the beginning of the war , 90 % kanonnya caliber 50mm and 37mm , while its caliber howitzers and 105mm 98mm .
The formulation of the attack on Belgium that began in November 1939 , conducted by German military officers in which one of the initiators is Generalmajor Kurt Student .
Way what to do and how , when the paratroopers , how to order while maintaining the element of speed , impromptu and directed command , it was decided that an opening to attack strategic targets will be carried out by Fallschirmjager but not with a parachute , but the plane without machine without sound , ie DFS - 230 Glider , reason :
- Keeping the element of speed , impromptu and coordination of the small army attacks .
- The accuracy of the paratroopers landed less accurate , wide and scattered soldiers .
- Troops deployed with an umbrella , landing with separate weapons and equipment , after landing they had to remove the umbrella first and then seek containers of equipment and team.
- Container equipment can not carry heavy equipment for infantry as : extra stielgranate , flame - thrower , demolition charge , hollow -charge , Bangalores , heavy machine - gun MG 34 , and assault -ladder ( ladder to attack ) , which will be very useful for seize and maintain bridges targets , particularly Fort Eben Emael in a short time .
Hauptmann ( Captain ) Walter Koch was assigned as operators in the field to attack targets in the Belgium , where he chose the people of I Bataillon , 1 Fallschirmjager Regiment ( I / FJR1 ) and Oberleutnant ( First Lieutenant ) Rudolf Witzig of Pionier Bataillon II , 1 Fallschirmjager Regiment ( II / FJR1 ) , then this force is called the Sturmabteilung Koch ( Koch attack Detachment ) .
Battle Order of Sturmabteilung Koch formed with the details of the order is : Target = Unit Code Combat Gliders = Number = Number of Soldiers ) :
1 ) Concrete Bridges Vroenhoven = Sturmgruppe Gliders = 11 = 5 officers , with 129 soldiers ( Captain Koch was here ) .
3 ) Fort Eben Emael = Sturmgruppe Granite Gliders = 11 = 2 officers , with 85 soldiers ( Lieutenant Witzig be here ) .
Concrete Glider amount equal to the officers and soldiers but fewer , because the equipment is taken as : extra stielgranate , flame - thrower , demolition - charges , hollow - charges , Bangalores , ladders and heavy machine - gun ) .
3 ) Bridge Veldwezelt = Sturmgruppe Stahl Gliders = 10 = 1 officer , with 91 soldiers .
4 ) Bridge Kanne = Sturmgruppe Eisen Gliders = 10 = 2 officers , with 88 soldiers .
The training is very intensive and is done in secret Sturmgruppe Granite Hidelsheim almost for 6 months ( from November 1939) using artificial bunkers and terrain recognition through mock - mockups for the determination of the team that secured 31 Werks (target ) on top of the castle , as well as information retrieval of the company and the people who have worked on the project of making the castle , in order to obtain details of the fort .
Not just soldiers , the driver or Glider pilots are also trained intensively in a fort that is almost similar to the Czech Eben Emael , especially for landings or shorten the range setting that made landfall extra roll of wire that serves as an additional brake on " wood slip for landing " ( wooden landing skid ) .
Plans attack on the fort Sturmgruppe Granite Eben Emael :
1 ) Gliders JU - 52 will be drawn starting at 04.30 on the morning of May 10, 1940 and the date of the two airfield outside the city of Cologne : Ostheim and Butzweilerhof .
2 ) During the journey toward a goal , there is no use of radio communication , impromptu element of surprise and silence must be maintained.
3 ) JU - 52 will fly at a speed of 140 km per hour , guided by the flare path along 20 km of the bottom , ahead of the start Aachen Germany - Belgium border , as well as to guide the release Gliders .
4 ) Gliders are released from the JU - 52 while still in German territory , to avoid suspicion from the sound of the engine of the JU - 52 and a height of 2,500 meters with the remaining distance to the fortress Eben Emael 35 km at a speed of 124 km per hour to fly Gliders .
5 ) Eleven Gliders will land at the top of the castle , as the sun began to rise behind them at 05.30 , so watch Belgian soldiers would glare and did not expect the arrival of uninvited guests modern without sound , from above and from the direction of the rising sun .
6 ) Eleven Gliders contains 11 teams with each team tasks that have been targeted so they landed and out quickly from Gliders to take a position and immobilize the entire arsenal / guns following his machine - gun support .
7 ) The tasks are divided into 31 Fallschirmjager Werks ( the target ) . The commander of the Glider contains Sturmgruppe Granite Lieutenant Witzig the reserve forces , Trupp 11 .
8 ) The operation was planned takes about 4 hours ( following a counterattack chances withstand forces of Belgium outside of the castle or fortress ) and after that at 10:00 , will be replaced by 51 . Pionier Bataillon of 6 . Armee which will pass through a secured bridge Kanne Sturmgruppe Eisen .
9 ) 5 minutes after landing Gliders ( 5:35 pm ) Armee Gruppe B ( 6 . Armee to Belgium ) will begin to attack the low -lying states .
In general , Belgian defense plan is as follows :
1 ) Waiting , especially those with high confidence fortress Eben Emael would efficacy that can not / difficult to penetrate from all directions . Except from above with air traffic , so the plan Germany .
2 ) Destroy 3 bridge connecting the mainland to Belgium so knew there was an attack .
3 ) long-range guns of Fort Eben Emael would interfere with the movement of the German army , especially when creating a pontoon bridge or repairing damaged bridges and cross the river Meuse and the Albert Canal .
4 ) Survive as long as possible to await assistance from the French army and the British Expeditionary Forces .
The results obtained during the operation conducted by Sturmgruppe Granite :
1 ) The glider carrying the commander of Lieutenant Witzig Sturmgruppe Granite and Trupp 11 ( reserve team ) , rope pullers were damaged , loose and made an emergency landing still around Cologne .
2 ) Glider which transports Trupp 2 also impaired in Duren that landed near the German - Dutch border .
3 ) This means that only 9 Gliders landed in the fort with 55 soldiers and 9 pilot serves as a soldier so landed with light machine - gun fire from the M15 over the cockpit window for covering fire .
4 ) The first glider landed in the fort and transporting Trupp 8 , landed at 5:24 pm , under a hail of gunfire guns counterforce air strikes late to know , then followed immediately with a glider carrying Trupp 5 and so on .
5 ) Because Lieutenant Witzig unable to attend during the operation , the commander should substitute was Leutnant Egon Delica , but his glider carrying Trupp 1 landed about 200 meters from the target landing because the brakes are functioning and pinned down by heavy machine - gun from Casemate 18 . Oberfeldwebel ( Sergeant - Major ) Helmut Wenzel of Trupp Lt. Delica 4 initiative that can not take over the position of Lieutenant Witzig , then he turned on the radio communication to contact with Captain Koch Vroenhoven , informed position / situation , contact the Stuka dive bombers to attack the position of supporting troops outside Belgium span that began plotting a counterattack to the castle entrance , set the overall attack Trupp on top of the castle and then also ask for extra ammunition .
6 ) Approximately 20 minutes of the entire landing 9 Gliders , prime targets like cannon 120mm and 75mm caliber machine - gun following his support has been disabled , where the guns have not had time to react fired three bullets to hit the target of critical bridges the .
7 ) Sturmgruppe Eisen under the command of Oberleutnant Schachter duty snatch Kanne bridge suffered severe resistance , when he himself was seriously injured , and Belgian troops could blow up / destroy the bridge ( needs repair approximately half days can only be used again ) , meaning a replacement soldier Sturmgruppe Granite The fort Eben Emael is 51 . Pionier Bataillon is inhibited about 12 hours .
Battle on the Bridge itself was fierce Kanne , until troops helping stem Sturmgruppe Eisen and recently completed his battles in the afternoon .
8 ) Lieutenant Witzig and Trupp 11 landed on the fortress with another glider from Koln at 08.30 , Sergeant Wenzel gave a situation report that all of the major targets have been paralyzed , and stay withstand backlash Belgian forces , both from within and outside the fort and wait for a replacement troops of 51 . Pionier Bataillon hampered and likely arrive next morning on May 11.
Lieutenant Witzig conducted after receiving a report from Sergeant Wenzel situation is ordered that the flag was hoisted as a sign that Germany has mastered Eben Emael .
9 ) Belgian troops inside the fort could not do much , because they could not go up to the roof of the castle , was detained by heavy fire from heavy machine - gun MG34 , thrown grenade " potato masher " and sprayed - sprayed her flame - thrower Sturmgruppe Granite . From the fort , Belgian forces also can not get out , because of fire from above . Forces from outside the castle a few times to counterattack , but were swept by MG34 on top of the castle , this incident took place until the early hours of May 11.
10 ) Nighttime Trupp 2 which made an emergency landing in Duren arrived at Eben Emael , where they boarded the truck , and then move on foot to avoid obstacles and climb to the top of the castle fortress , providing evidence that the defense and attack coordination of Belgian troops outside the fort had loosened and uncoordinated .
11 ) Belgian troops fired mortars and light howitzers outside the fort , said to about 2,300 high - explosive projectile vomited , but to no avail because Sturmgruppe Granite already in a position well - fortified .
12 ) In the morning at 07.00 dated May 11, 1940 , 51 troops . Pionier Bataillon using rubber boats began crossing the Albert Canal , then joined together Sturmgruppe Granite to perform security inside and outside the castle .
13 ) At 12:00 , Major Jottrand , garrison commander of Belgium gave a sign of word - word- Morse with iron doors at level 1 up to three times , stating that they were ready to give up .
14 ) Major Jottrand out to the top of the castle accompanied by his aide with a white flag , was met by Lieutenant Witzig , military saluted one another , and Major Jottrand Eben Emael fort surrender .
15 ) Victim Sturmgruppe Granite , 6 killed and 18 injured , more than 1,000 Belgian soldiers surrendered to the dead and wounded around 400 soldiers , where the majority of victims come from outside the fort .
16 ) All officers of Strurmabteilung Koch received the Knight ( Knight's Cross ) so did Sergeant Wenzel and all soldiers Fallschirmjager the Iron Cross 1st class .
Blitzkrieg and Sturmabteilung Koch success , especially Sturmgruppe in fort Eben Emael Granite , open your eyes and change the total world military concept of war at that time were still relying on numerical superiority , mass maneuver slow , with human wave attacks , the concept of fortification and defense static .
Interesting things in mind during and after surgery Fort Eben Emael :
- Ernst Oberjäger Grechza of Trupp 5 was the only soldier from Strurmabteilung Koch who received the Iron Cross 2nd class . Prior to departing on the morning of May 10 , he filled the cafeteria to drink with Rum and intends to give to his injured later in Eben Emael . However , he could not resist the temptation to drink rum alone and most of the drinking. He was found slumped sitting near 120mm turret , where the dome is rotating and still functioning , then it is pulled by Sergeant Wenzel away from the dome .
- Belgian troops captive of Eben Emael moved to Dortmund , where they are hidden and isolated while on the other POWs . Because they are a witness to the two new secret weapon and used Germany is Glider and hollow -charge . Hitler ordered all the success of the hollow - charge at Eben Emael in cement cap , to hide the evidence of a new secret weapon . This is done before the guests from other countries are welcome to visit Eben Emael two months later .
- A Belgian soldier prisoner later voluntarily enroll , graduate selection and received a soldier of the Waffen - SS divisions to 27 Langemarck and killed on the Russian front .
• Operatie Hannibal captured the bridge at Corinth Canal , Greece , 26 April 1941
Italy was forced to ask for help Germany after the attack and try to grab the desired Greek Mussolini shamefully evicted from the land of Greece , where earlier also , when Italy attacked Greece in October 1940, Mussolini did not coordinate with Hitler .
After the German military operations undertaken to help Italy showed great results which forces Greece , England and Australia in moving backwards from the South to the Greek mainland to mainland / Peloponnese peninsula , Hitler on 20 April 1941 wants the troops cut off , trapped and surrendered , by seizing the road and the only bridge in the Corinth Canal which connects mainland Greece with the Peloponnese peninsula , and named the operation with Operatie Hannibal .
Corinth Canal is a waterway that divides the Greek mainland to the peninsula, where the terrain is difficult because of the steep hills below the natural ravines and rocks on the right side of the waterway .
It is the only air traffic operations Generaloberts unknown Kurt Student as supreme commander of the entire unit Fallschirmjager , where all operations command Oberkommando der Wehrmacht derived from the Generaloberts Alexander Lohr , commander of the Luftwaffe Luftlotte IV for operations in the Balkans .
It was decided to use the second Fallschirmjager regiment ( FJR2 ) of General Wilhelm Sussmann which at that time was in a position to seize the island of Lemnos Plovdiv .
Noon on 26 April 1941 meluncurlah six JU - 52 Gliders pulled from an airfield in mainland Greece towards a target that is at Corinth Canal bridge , where passengers are 54 soldiers from Fallschirm - Pionier Kompanie , 2nd Regiment under the command of Oberleutnant Haffner following a German military journalist is Von der Heide .
Defense around the bridge did a company of Australian troops along with the following three Greek army tanks and several air strikes Bofors cannon deterrent .
Within ten minutes after landing , Fallschirmjager succeeded in crippling the defense and managed to tame some of the explosives were installed on the bridge .
Simultaneously while some Fallschirm - Pionier was defused explosives installed on the bridge , the defense forces of the opponent's counter-attack from one side of the bridge , light rifle shooting occurred and a huge explosion damaged the bridge from being defused explosives and killing several Fallschirm - Pionier reporters following the war .
There are some estimates why the explosion to occur , counterforce which came from air strikes Bofors is still active and precise shot hit the explosive that linger on the bridge , as well as witnesses of Fallschirmjager who saw two British officers ran toward the explosives while firing his gun several moments before the explosion occurred .
A few moments before the explosion occurred , the first battalion Fallschirmjager ( I / FJR2 ) and second ( II / FJR2 ) from the second regiment ( FJR2 ) , do the JU - 52 jumps from sector to Corinth .
The first battalion under the command of Hauptmann Kroh deployed in the north bridge and the second battalion under the command of Major Pietzonka in the south of the bridge .
Within minutes , 11 cannon air strike counterforce succeed in paralyzing the fifth company of the second battalion , the companies other secure garrison city of Corinth and crippling defense contained therein .
Although the bridge was damaged , the same day the Fallschirm - Pionier successful reopening of the bridge .
During the brief operation , Fallschirmjager of the second regiment of about 12,000 troops captured the UK, Australia and Greece that are moving backwards towards Peloponese peninsula .
Noon the next day on April 27 , the third battalion of the second regiment ( III / FJR2 ) deployed to secure the area around Corinth and crush - resistance sporadic resistance that still carried his opponent .
In Operatie Hannibal , Fallschirmjager suffered losses 63 soldiers killed , 16 missing and 174 injured .
• Operatie Eiche for Mussolini rescue mission , 12 September 1943
After successive defeats Italy under Mussolini 's leadership in various battlefields of World War II , as in the South of France ( Alps ) , North Africa , Greece and Mediterranean , Italian people experiencing a crisis of confidence in Benito Mussolini , which further lowered Mussolini from power as Prime Minister by King Victor Emmanuel on July 25, 1943 and was replaced by Marshal Pietro Badoglio position .
Concerns Hitler later , Italy would surrender to the Allies and open fronts in southern Europe which makes it easy to Allied attacks. If Mussolini successfully delivered from the cage and put back to rule a puppet government in northern Italy , the Italian troops who will remain loyal to Mussolini sided with Germany .
SS - Hauptsturmführer ( Captain of the Waffen - SS ) Otto Skorzeny was the one who was personally selected by Hitler to lead operations in the field , but Skorzeny remained under the command of the Luftwaffe , as well as taking orders from Generaloberst Kurt Student during the operation .
The first problem of this operation is to find the exact location where Mussolini was . After his arrest , Mussolini was taken to the unknown place and after a few days it was discovered on the island of Ponza , off the west coast of the mainland " boot " of Italy.
During the preparation and investigation for rescue operations on the island , it turns Mussolini was moved again on August 7, 1943 to the northern island of La Maddalena in Sardinia island .
Return preparation is done in accordance with the target operating on the island , but not long afterwards , intelligence sources say that Mussolini was moved back on August 27th to a place not known for certain .
Instructions existing re- worn , where dilarikannya Mussolini remained a mystery , until finally caught by the Germans through with a high frequency radio signal that Mussolini was moved to the top of the Gran Sasso d' Italia is located in the mountains with an altitude Appenine about 2,100 meters above sea level and is located approximately 140 km north of the city of Rome .
At the peak of the Gran Sasso Campo Imperatore hotel there which was built for the resort and ski outings , where access to get to the hotel can only use the cable car ( cable car ) that explore the slopes of the mountains from the valley below.
All plans prepared including securing the cable car station in the valley of the Gran Sasso , in order to help prevent an opponent who comes and will use the cable car . If Mussolini was being held in the Gran Sasso , the chances are not too many guard troops .
On September 10 , 1943, Skorzeny and his aides following the attacks of the Luftwaffe planners perform battlefield reconnaissance and the introduction of the air and there was a meadow is not too extensive , but ideal for attack / landing is located a few meters in front of the hotel . Now just how attack methods that will be used , Skorzeny decided not to use the attack with paratroops through umbrella , given the lack of breadth of places and paratroopers will be scattered , then attack with Glider is most appropriate .
Set will be used 12 units of DFS - 230 is fully loaded with :
- Fallschirmjager of 1 . Kompanie , 1 . Bataillon of 7 . Regiment ( I / FJR7 ) under the command of Oberleutnant Georg von Berlepsch .
- As well as some of the soldiers of the Waffen - SS units , namely its Skorzeny Greif Kommando of Friedenthal Bataillon .
The remaining troops of the I / FJR7 under the command of Major Otto - Harald Mors will travel overland and master the nearest airfield in Aquila and the cable car station in the valley of the Gran Sasso . Other units of the Waffen - SS Skorzeny assigned to free his family from Mussolini , the wife and her children near the town of Villa Rocca Caminate isolated and alienated .
At noon on September 12 , 1943, JU - 52 following the withdrawal Gliders flown from the airfield Practica de Mare, near Rome , with approximately 1 hour journey to Gran Sasso . Participate in the operation of a high-ranking German Italian pro is General Soletti , which may be useful later in the negotiation process if the operation becomes a bloody battle .
Gliders numbers 11 and 12 are not able to broadcast because it was damaged when takeoff , this happens because some time before the time of the surgery , the airfield became a target of Allied Carpet Bombing from the air . Skorzeny, who is at number 3 Glider was in front , having previously Gliders following numbers 1 and 2 pullers plane disappeared in thick cloud and get lost in the mountains half way to the Gran Sasso , given during the trip , the radio communication between the aircraft and its ground in the forbidden liaison , the only live 8 Gliders for this mission .
When approaching the Gran Sasso was still less than perfect view due to thick cloud mountains , lucky to still be recognizable thanks to earlier reconnaissance conducted by Skorzeny in which they are preparing to release a rope hook on the towing aircraft .
When close to the target landing in a meadow in front of the hotel , a new look to them that the pastures are large rocky did not look at the current altitude reconnaissance . So this down them to the rigors of a few meters in front of the hotel , the rocky barrier of the speed actually helps termination Gliders landing.
Skorzeny led his troops into the hotel , crippling resistance that is at the entrance to the hotel and immediately moved quickly toward the room where Mussolini was being guarded by two officers and Carabinieri ( Italian military police ) .
Skorzeny offered no resistance and no need in a matter of minutes , the commander of the garrison guard Mussolini declared surrender and promised there would be no resistance from the troops .
The entire hotel complex fell into German hands in a very fast tempo and without bloodshed . Very fast and secure hotel takeover time Mussolini Gliders are marked with the number 6 and 7 will be a landing , after the number 8 Glider landing and hit a big rock and injured passengers in it .
The problem is then how to carry out the rescued Mussolini from Gran Sasso , where there are three ways to bring Mussolini , namely :
1 ) The road inland to the city of Rome and had to use a cable car from the Gran Sasso to the station in the valley that has been secured Major Mors and Fallschirmjager , but this way at high risk , given the guerrillas and soldiers who opposed Mussolini was in all the way to the city of Rome .
2 ) Bringing Mussolini to Aquila airfield at which the calculation should have been secured by Fallschirmjager and fly from there .
3 ) Skorzeny decided to take the third way is to fly directly Mussolini from Gran Sasso with Feisler Storch reconnaissance aircraft were in manned by Hauptmann Gerlach ( private pilot Kurt Student ) who conduct observation flights during surgery . Gerlach improvised landing and preparing to carry precious cargo should be in terbangkannya out of the Gran Sasso . When preparing for takeoff , Gerlach also injure improvisation , where the German commandos were ordered to hold Feisler Storch few moments to get the maximum speed for takeoff in the narrow field .
German war journalists allowed to get to the top after the fight took place by means of a cable car , they record and record the events that have happened , a lot of documentation printed color photos and color documentary for German propaganda needs of the moment .
Mussolini and Skorzeny move towards Feisler Storch which under normal conditions is only for two people where one of them was the flight crew . They flew to Practica de Mare airfield near the city of Rome , then changed planes and flew back to the city of Vienna , Austria , where Mussolini was reunited with his family who also have been saved .
While staying in Vienna , Skorzeny gained Knight as a success of his job on the rescue mission , and on September 15 , Skorzeny flew with Mussolini to meet Hitler at Wolf 's Lair ( nest wolves ) , East Prussia .
Skorzeny became a hero in rescue missions in Gran Sasso , although Fallschirmjager play a larger role both in the planning and execution of the current operation .
Polemics and arguments that who or which party is more involved or obtain credit , possibly still as a material in the years ahead for analysts and analysts military special forces now , but in general the plan of attack is a very brave decision and be very successful .
When even this news was heard by the world community , the members of the British Parliament on the success of this daring operation raised this topic in their trial . And they called on the British special forces similar to injure and reckless operation should succeed .
Reckless operation is also inspired two fictional version of the Hollywood war movie Where Eagles Dare is and Dirty Dozen .