Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP was a political party that was once owned by Germany founded in 1920 and is based in Munich . Before it was called the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ( German Workers' Party ) , the party name was changed at the insistence of Adolf Hitler to incorporate elements of national socialism . NSDAP official symbol is the Swastika .
NSDAP was the main political force in Nazi Germany since the fall of the Weimar Republic in 1933 until the end of World War II in 1945 , when it was declared illegal and its leaders were arrested and charged with crimes against humanity by the Court of Nurenberg . The adherents of the Nazi Party and the executor has raised a new political ideology , commonly known as " Nazism " .
Understand the emergence of anti - Semitic
Nazism arose as a result of World War I. On 11 November 1918 as a surprise to the German front line troops , the war suddenly ended . Frontline troops do not feel defeated and they wonder why the ceasefire happened so fast that they had to immediately leave the position when they were still in the area musuh.Mitos growing among German soldiers who surrendered was that they had been " stabbed in the back . " That front-line troops and 2 million people were killed during the war Germany had been betrayed by Marxist and Jewish groups that have given rise to differences of opinion in their countries . When the troops returned safely to the new democratic Germany , they brought along their disappointment . After the war , the allies continued blockade against Germany . Returning troops and marched through Munich , capital of Bavaria , was surprised to see their families who are still suffering . Millions of Germans starving and thousands are dying of tuberculosis and influenza .
In Germany , politics is divided into two poles , each Sosialis.masing Conservative and radical groups in times of crisis . The situation is getting worse with the emergence of the Soviet Republic of Munich , an attempt to create a Soviet -style government that waged by leftist groups Raterepublik in Munich . Government troops to quell the uprising lowered and open fighting broke out in the streets of Munich . More than 500 people were killed . Soldiers backed by the Freikorps , a right-wing mercenaries financed by the government . Freikorps actually carry out their duties , they massacred the people who they consider to be a member Raterepublik and managed to quell the rebellion.
Anti - Semitic prejudice in the right group is strengthened by the fact that the leadership Raterepublik mostly Jews , so there is the impression that Bolshevism ( communism ) and Judaism are essentially the same . Naturally, when the anti- Jewish attitudes then widespread.
Freikorps was hailed in Munich after crushing Raterepublik . Jewish group is the perfect scapegoat to blame for all the ills of the country . Freikorps supported right- wing officials in the military as Captain Ernst Roehm ( which will be the supreme commander of the SA , " Storm Troopers " ) , a man with a simple philosophy :
" I was young and wild . Therefore , war and unrest appeal to me more than a neat bourgeois order . Brutality appreciated , people need to feel afraid , and they want to be afraid of something , they want someone who makes them afraid , and force them to surrender in fear " .
Birth of the Nazis ( 1920 )
In early 1918 , a party called the Freier Ausschuss für Einen Deutschen Arbeiterfrieden ( Free Committee for a German Workers' Peace ) was founded in Bremen , Germany . Anton Drexler , a locksmith and poet , founded a branch of the association on March 7, 1918 , in Munich . In 1919 , Drexler , Gottfried Feder with , Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer , changed the name of the party into Arbeiterparte Deutsche ( German Workers' Party ) or commonly abbreviated as DAP
In 1919, Rohm joined the party . There, he meets a veteran of World War I , 30 years old : Corporal Adolf Hitler was the same as Rohm , hating Communist and Jewish groups . Hitler joined the German workers party in 1919 . On the card he was member of a number of its members listed at 555 despite her kenyataannnya member number 55 ; The party gave numbers ranging from 500 so that members look a lot .
Hitler was no different than thousands of other ex-servicemen in Munich , he go alone without a permanent job . But now he has realized his natural talent for giving speeches and attract people to join the party , so that it has a dominant role there . He channeled hatred , anger over the war ended with a fiery speech . Hitler always spoke about what he called injustice Versailles peace treaty that was signed at the end of World War I. Under the treaty , Germany lost much of his country . and forced to pay compensation to the winner countries . In the early 1920s, rampant inflation control, financial completely destroyed so that the German people to think that democracies do not produce anything .
In Bavaria , in 1921 Hitler was crowned the German workers party leaders tiny . His name change becomes Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ( " Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party " ) , abbreviated NSDAP or Nazi . When it is just one of many right-wing party in Munich and they all say the same : Versailles is evil and Jewish groups behind it.
Hitler dynamism coupled with uncompromised tone in his speeches began to attract residents of other leading Bayern to turn on the new Nazi party . In 1922 , an accomplished aviator award holder " Pour le Merite " Richthodenber well as squadron commander in World War I , Hermann Göring , joined the Nazis . The Nazis also spread its influence into rural areas Bayern . There, an agriculture student who originally wanted to be a chicken farmer , Heinrich Himmler , joined the Nazi ( later on , he was appointed as supreme commander of the SS ) .
Trial revolution ( 1923)
In January 1923 in the Ruhr , French troops come to demand payment of war reparations , alienating and insulting the German people . French rule them with an iron fist . German people regard this as retaliation . Hitler and Nazi Germany take advantage of popular discontent .
In Munich in 1923 , in an atmosphere of crisis caused by the occupation of the Ruhr , Hitler and his Nazis began to act . Hitler stood on stage Burgerbrau Keller on November 8 and stop the right-wing political meeting , he called for the implementation of a national revolution to overthrow the leftist government in Berlin . The next day , 9 November 1923 , the Nazis , along with other right- wing parties marched in Munich to gather support . They were stopped by police at the war monument Feldherrenhalle . Initially , the Nazis hoped the military and police to support the parade and join them , but the opposite happens , the police do not support them ; shots were fired and the participants of the parade disbanded . Fortunately for Hitler , he survived the shooting . 4 police officers and 16 members of the Nazi lost their lives . In addition to killing the police , some followers of the Nazis also did a bank robbery in action .
Hitler then be tried with other leaders at the start of the parade in 1924 on charges of assault against police and bank robberies . In these courts , with the attitude that challenged Hitler said :
"You can declare us guilty a thousand times , but immortal goddess who led the court of history will , with a smile , rending indictment the prosecutor and the court's decision . And the goddess will liberate us " .
Hitler became famous for his statement that bold . Judge Georg Neithardt , the trial judge who heard the statement that was so sympathetic to him and even send messages to the Court of Appeal to reduce the period of confinement Hitler . As a result , Hitler only need to undergo a nine -month prison sentence at Landsberg Prison ; after ignite the revolution , murder 4 police officers , and bank robberies . In 1924 , the name Hitler and the Nazis had set.
Awakening Nazi
German economic shocks (1930 )
In the mid 1920s the German economy recovers and inflation began to decrease . Weimar Government in power managed to solve the problem of turnover losses of war by borrowing money from the United States . However , there are a number of German people who disagree and call this as " Weimar decadence . " They were joined by a group of non-political as Wandervogel calling for a return to the old way of life simpler . Nazi movement come to socialize and use it to go back to the old value ( the movement persisted when the Nazis came to power in a group called Hitler - Jugend , " Hitler Youth Group " ) .
In the mid 1920s , the Nazi party into a small radical party . Party programs they promised that if the Nazis came to power , the German Jews , which is considered to be behind the ' Versailles Treaty ' , will be revoked his citizenship , or even expelled from the country . According to Bruno Hahnel , leader of Hitler Youth Group for the year 1927-1945 , they assume that the World Jewish Group ( World Jewry ) wants to grab power and rule the world that Hitler Youth groups must thwart.
The issue of global Jewish conspiracy was voiced publicly by the Nazis ; and trustworthy . And with the advent of anti - Semitic understand it , is growing belief that violence is an integral part of the political process , so that later , the Nazis established a paramilitary wing called Sturm Abteilung ( SA ) , " Storm Troopers " . His job is to keep the Nazi gatherings , threatening the followers of other parties and build support .
Hitler became Chancellor (1933 )
In 1928 or 7 years after Hitler led the party , the Nazis failed to win power in the election . In that election , the Nazis only get 2.6 % of the vote . But 4 years and 18 months later , Hitler became Chancellor of Germany as the Nazis supported by the state .
In the 1930s , Jermah went bankrupt . World agricultural prices fall resulting in poverty , the collapse of Wall Street resulting in a worldwide economic downturn , coupled with the arrival of the U.S. debt bill that further depress the German stock exchange . In 1931 the unemployment rate in Germany increased to 5 million people . Unemployment was struggling urban when Germany became the country with the worst economy in the world . Things worse when the five major banks in Germany were destroyed in 1931 led to more than 20,000 German companies out of business .
Unexpectedly , in the economic crisis , voting for the Nazis rise . people became interested in their principles : " Versailles is a crime and the Jews are behind it . Marxism must be destroyed and the German nation must be born again . " In fact, because so bored with the state of the economy , the rural people who have never heard of Hitler and his party voted in the Nazis. Like for example in a remote town in the region of East Prussia , Neidenburg , increased sound very drastic for the Nazis . In 1928 , the Nazis received 2.3 % of the vote here . But in 1930 they get the support that figure jumped to 25.8 % ; whereas Hitler had never been there and there is no representation of the Nazi party in the city . But not only the Nazis began to rise , the communists also began to receive support so that the new democracy was born in Germany in danger because voters pushed to an extreme ; between the Nazis and the Communists . The clash is taking place, the Nazis and The storm Forces ( SA ) with the Communists .
Although the election , Hitler lost to competitors President Hidenburg , he has established himself as the leader of the German alternative that offers regularity , discipline , and charisma . In the 1932 elections the majority start choose two parties that openly aiming to overthrow the democratic Germany : the Nazis and the Communists . Democracy is coming in Germany at the end of World War I was considered less suitable and should be removed from Germany . In a general election speech ( July 1932 ) , Hitler did not hide the fact that the Nazis have dictatorship understand :
" Our Opponents accuse us National Socialists , and me in particular , of being intolerant and quarrelsome . They say that we do not want to work with other parties . They say the National Socialists are not German at all , Because they refuse to work with other political parties . : So is it typically German to have thirty parties ? I have to admit one thing - these gentlemen are quite right . We are intolerant . I have given myself one goal - to sweep these thirty political parties out of Germany . They mistake us for one of them . We have one aim , and we will follow it fanatically and ruthlessly to the grave "
Translation : " Our enemies accuse us of national - socialist group , and I in particular , as a person who is intolerant and like hostility . They said we did not want to cooperate with the other party . They say the National - Socialist Germany is not the party for refusing to cooperate with other . then, is to have 30 parties are the hallmark of the German nation ! ? I have to admit one thing - those people are not one . we are intolerant . I have one goal - to get rid of the 30 political parties from Germany ! They mistook us is one of them . we have one goal , and we will make it happen faithfully and without compromise to the grave ! "
The result in the general election in July 1932 , the Nazis became the largest party in Germany by winning 37.4 % of the vote . Now there is only one person who becomes a barrier between the position of Chancellor Hitler and President Hindenburg , people who have to compete with Hitler for president and beat him . Hindenburg met Hitler on August 13, 1932 and at the meeting , Hitler demanded to be chancellor ; Hindenburg refused . He did not agree that government power is given to a party who does not represent the majority of voters and - further - intolerant with poor discipline and often use violence .
Then , comes the group of people who started to press and lobbied President Hindenburg , one of them including a former entrepreneur Hjalmar Schacht Director of the Reich Bank . He wrote letters to Hindenburg urged Hitler mandated for the good of the German Chancellor . The businessman when it would prefer that the German economy is dominated by the Nazis rather than Communists are obviously going to turn off their efforts . New pressures arise as a result of military war games : a report on the cabinet asserted that the civil unrest , the military can not control either the Nazi or Communist .
But not only the Hindenburg are under pressure ; The Nazis also get the same thing . Nazi Party threatened with bankruptcy and ran out of money after one of the party's main character , Gregor Strasser , resigned . So that their voices support dropped to 33 % ; their support seems to have reached its maximum. Fortunately , the Nazis had the support of a group that wants to overthrow the traditional Right and democracy without the support of communist because Hitler , they will not be able to do so . One among them . former Chancellor von Papen nobles , offered a deal : Hitler becomes Chancellor if he could , Von Papen , the vice chancellor , and there are only two other Nazis in the cabinet which is filled by a majority of those traditional conservatives . By doing so , he hopes to influence Hitler " tamed . " Finally , Hindenburg offered the position to Adolf Hitler Chancellor on January 30, 1933 . And soon after the official appointment , one of the closest friends Hindenburg during World War I , General Ludendorff , sent a telegram to him :
" I foresee - seriously - that " the damned " This will bring our country into a deep ravine . Future generations will curse you because of this " .
On January 30, 1933 that, the Nazis held a festive parade in Berlin ; the revolution has begun .
Cleaning officer Storm Troopers (1934 )
German people only need less than 12 weeks in power Hitler to see what will become of the Jewish state in the new Nazi state . On April 1 , 1933, all parties to boycott Jewish-owned store for a full day . Nazis made Jewry as a scapegoat for the defeat in World War I and many other failures . Most of the German people allow it because it was considered as part of the revolution .
In the early months of Nazi rule , the Jews of Germany also became a victim of the attacks and the violence of the Storm Troopers ( SA ) . The army was also taking another hard step . In 1933 , together with the student who sympathizes , SA carried out a mass burning of the books " forbidden " , especially those made by Jewish authors . Furthermore , Ernst Julius Röhm , supreme leader of Storm Troopers , also demanded that the troops entered into the regular German military forces . Military balked at the idea. Rejection of the Storm Troopers were motivated by dislike of the military will their behavior and appearance ; Storm Troopers Military hated most soldiers become increasingly clear Jerman.Juga - not just for the military - that Ernst Julius Rohm , supreme commander of the Storm Troopers , trying to take over the German Armed Forces . He is trying to become the Minister of the Armed Forces and formed his own army .
In the summer of 1934, Hitler got a very shocking news . Heinrich Himmler , who also aspired to power which is technically still working for Julius Ernst Roehm in the Nazi hierarchy , reported to Hitler that Ernst Röhm , Hitler old friend who now serves as the supreme leader of Storm Troopers ( SA ) , is preparing a coup ; and Hitler believe . On June 30, 1934 , while on holiday in Bavaria , Ernst Rohm was arrested and taken to the nearest jail , two days later he was shot dead . Not only that , in July 1934 , Hitler also " clean up " the ranks of officers accused SA is preparing a revolution .
The armed forces are very grateful ; they are happy Rohm killed and Storm Troopers reduced power . As an expression of gratitude , they ask themselves to pronounce the oath of allegiance to Hitler personally . People who are now , after the death of President Hindenburg , not only served as Chancellor of Germany but also the leader of the country .
After the death of Rohm , Hitler seems to have restored order ; The military has vowed to him ; revolution on the road subsided . In subsequent years , the Germans began to see Hitler as a strong leader and confident ; German states that his speech promising new dynamic and powerful .
German Awakening ( 1930 )
In the mid 1930s , Germany has re-emerged under the leadership of Hitler . At that time , the Nazi economic minister , Hjalmar Schahct , managed to remove unemployment in Germany to create a variety of projects such as the labor-intensive construction projects and project Autobahn German military re - armament . The Nazis also increase the military budget in the first year of their powers to the extent that the military can not afford to spend the entire budget. These projects bring Germany into a state of full employment ( full employment ) . People get jobs and income so they can buy food . Armament - back also erase the shame of the German people have been surrendered in World War I.
In 1935 , England , who was feeling guilty for imposing onerous Versailles Treaty the German people , to make a new agreement with Hitler . In the agreement , Hitler was allowed to build a naval exceed the permitted levels in the Versailles Treaty . Hitler wanted to strengthen its relationship with the UK then send Joachim von Ribbentrop in the summer of 1936 to pursue the creation of an alliance between England and Germany . Unfortunately , Joachim von Ribbentrop failed to make a deal in the UK ; not because the UK does not want an alliance with Germany , but because the British considered the Nazis to send people who are too arrogant . Ribbentrop made a fatal mistake by giving the Nazi salute ( with the right hand ) to the King of England George VI .
The Nazis ordered Jews mop up the streets in Austria to embarrass them.On 1936 , the German people regard their country has turned into a better country in the hands of Hitler after he ordered German forces to reenter the German territory that had separated as a result of the Versailles treaty , the Rhineland. Besides Rhineland , Hitler ordered his troops to enter the region with other German -speaking population , Austria , on March 15, 1938 . In both regions , the German troops were warmly welcomed and festive . Furthermore , the people of Germany saw action - taking back the Rhineland and Austria as one of the cues that their country begin to regain strength and self-esteem . Upon returning to Germany , Hitler fanfare greeted as a hero of the nation of Germany.
But in the heyday there were also a surprising event that changed the lives of the German people . Systematically excluded Jews from Germany . Nuremberg laws in 1935 prohibiting the marriage of Jews with other German citizens and declared that Jews were not German citizens . Hitler and his Nazis also waged propaganda stating that Jewish power in Germany was too great and the fishing people of Germany to fight it ; for example, by saying that among 4,800 lawyers in Berlin , his 3,600 were Jews . The propaganda succeeded in changing public opinion of Germany so that they do not mind if the Jews excluded from German states .
In Austria alone , the SS troops began to carry out the action " cleanse " the Jews from the land which is now part of the German state . Austrian Jews were also forced to do work that is designed to embarrass them ; for example brushing to clean the streets . In addition to the SS troops , some residents of Austrian Nazis also insulted the Jews ; they kicked the Jews who are working and laughing at him .
Unable to bear being discriminated against and treated roughly , thousands of Jews out of Germany during the 1930s .
Kristallnacht (1938 )
In the fall of 1938 , there was a surprising event : Ernst von Rath , a German diplomat , died in Paris the hand of a young Jew named Herschel Gryuzspan an angry look at the Nazi treatment of the family .
In commemoration of the Revolution Experiment Burgerbrau Keller ( which occurred in 1923 ) , Joseph Goebbels , the Nazi propaganda minister , requesting approval from Hitler to release the Storm Troopers ( SA ) to take revenge for the killing of Ernst event to the Jews ; and Hitler agreed . And finally , there was an event known as the Kristalnacht ; Crystal Night . In that event , forces storm destroyed about 8,000 homes , shops , and other buildings belonging to the Jews . They also kill and imprison at least 30,000 Jews ; destroying 1,668 synagogues and burned 267 of them . [ 5 ] Many Germans who do not agree with these events , one of whom is Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg , a Nazi officer who almost killed Hitler in the future . [ 2 ] Even so , the popularity of Hitler was not disturbed . Hitler never spoke of the incident in public so many German people believe that it happened not by the will of the Fuehrer , but because of the brutality of Storm Troopers itself.
" Cleaning " of children with disabilities
At the end of 1938 or beginning of 1939 , Philipp Bouhler , leader of the Fuehrer Chancellery Palace Office , gives a letter - written by a father of a mentally - handicapped child to Hitler . The letter contains a request for permission to kill his father 's ; Hitler agreed . Furthermore , Hitler instead ordered his men to kill all disabled children throughout Germany . Philipp Bouhler itself then given the right to form a secret police force to select and kill children with disabilities in a matter of days after they were born .
The secret police then searched the children who allegedly defective , and then wrote the biographical data and the characteristics of the child in a sheet form . The forms are then submitted to a special three doctors who will determine whether the child is eligible to live ; if not , they will mark the form with the sign " X " . After that , they will be assigned to pick up children who are considered " unworthy of life " for then collected and killed with luminal or morphine injected with a lethal dose into their bodies .
The composition of the party
members of the general
General members ( Parteimitglieder ) in the Nazi party composed largely of middle-class urban population down . 7 % are members of the upper classes, 7 % of farmers , 35 % of industrial workers and 51 % were grade puff . Meanwhile , the most professional groups joined the Nazis is a medical doctor .
When the Nazis begin his power in Germany in 1933 , the Nazis had had a number of members with more than 2 million people . When in power , they attract more members to reach 8.5 million members at the end of his reign . Even so , only about 1 million people who actively participate in the party ; the rest is mostly joined for reasons of career .
military members
Nazi members who have military ambitions were encouraged to join the Waffen SS or Wehrmacht , especially when World War II broke out . Initially , the regulations require that each member of the Nazi who joined Wehrmatch to release his membership of the party . Even so , the circumstances of World War II forced the Nazi officers such as Reinhard Heydrich and Fritz Todt and several other members to join the Wehrmacht without releasing their membership .
student membership
In 1926 Nazi Party membership formed a division that consisted of students in Germany known as NS - Deutscher Studentenbund ( NSDtB ) .
Paramilitary Groups
In addition , several paramilitary groups existed and " supporting " Nazi goals . All members of these groups are needed to become a regular member of the Nazi party , and the group will be able to enter their own choice . System giant / greater than signs paramilitary rank of the Nazi party paramilitary developed for each different .
Paramilitary groups of the Nazi Party as follows :
Schutzstaffel ( SS ) : Hitler's personal bodyguard
Sturmabteilung ( SA ) : Storm Troopers
Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps ( NSFK ) : National Socialist Flyers Corps
Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrerkorps ( NSKK ) : National Socialist Motor Corps
Hitler - Jugend was a paramilitary group divided into an adult leadership corps and a general membership open to all children aged 14 to 18 years
party symbols
Nazi flags : Party NSDAP use the right-facing swastika as their symbol . Red and black color symbolizes Blut und Boden ( blood and soil ) . Previously , black, white , and red color is used as the North German Confederation flag ( which was founded by Otto von Bismark , who inspired black and white flag of Prussia ) . In 1871 , the North German Confederation flag was later used as Reichflagge ( flag Reich ) . Black, white , and red has also been used as a symbol of nationalist , especially during World War I and during the Weimar Republic .
Song : Horst Wessel Lied .
Eagle Germany : Nazi Party using traditional German eagle shape is modified in such a way ; Standing on a swastika inside a series of oak leaves . When the head of the eagle facing to his left shoulder , it symbolizes the symbol of the Nazi Party , and called Parteiadler . Conversely , when facing his right shoulder , the eagle symbolizes the country ( Reich ) , and called Reichsadler . After the Nazi party to power in Germany , they immediately replace the traditional German eagle emblem of the German Eagle them across the country and its institutions .
Speech , motto , and slogan
" Sieg Heil ! "
"Long live the triumph ! "
" Heil Hitler ! "
"Long live Hitler ! "
" Arbeit macht frei "
" Work produces freedom "
" Ein Volk , ein Reich , ein Führer ! "
" One people , one nation , one leader ! "
" Deutschland , erwache ! "
" Germany , stand up ! "
" Die Juden sind unser Unglück ! "
"Jews are the source of our problems ! "
" Lang lebe unser ruhmvoller Führer ! "
" Long live our great leader ! "
" Heute Deutschland , morgen die Welt ! "
" Today Germany , tomorrow the world ! "
" Die Deutschen und immer vor dem den Juden Auslander ! "
" The Germans are always in front of strangers and the Jews ! "
" Sicher ist auch ein Mann der Jude , aber der ist auch ein Tier Floh .. "
" It is clear that the Jews are human beings , but also an animal fleas ... "
" Arbeit ; Freiheit ; Brot "
" Work ; Freedom ; Bread "
NSDAP was the main political force in Nazi Germany since the fall of the Weimar Republic in 1933 until the end of World War II in 1945 , when it was declared illegal and its leaders were arrested and charged with crimes against humanity by the Court of Nurenberg . The adherents of the Nazi Party and the executor has raised a new political ideology , commonly known as " Nazism " .
Understand the emergence of anti - Semitic
Nazism arose as a result of World War I. On 11 November 1918 as a surprise to the German front line troops , the war suddenly ended . Frontline troops do not feel defeated and they wonder why the ceasefire happened so fast that they had to immediately leave the position when they were still in the area musuh.Mitos growing among German soldiers who surrendered was that they had been " stabbed in the back . " That front-line troops and 2 million people were killed during the war Germany had been betrayed by Marxist and Jewish groups that have given rise to differences of opinion in their countries . When the troops returned safely to the new democratic Germany , they brought along their disappointment . After the war , the allies continued blockade against Germany . Returning troops and marched through Munich , capital of Bavaria , was surprised to see their families who are still suffering . Millions of Germans starving and thousands are dying of tuberculosis and influenza .
In Germany , politics is divided into two poles , each Sosialis.masing Conservative and radical groups in times of crisis . The situation is getting worse with the emergence of the Soviet Republic of Munich , an attempt to create a Soviet -style government that waged by leftist groups Raterepublik in Munich . Government troops to quell the uprising lowered and open fighting broke out in the streets of Munich . More than 500 people were killed . Soldiers backed by the Freikorps , a right-wing mercenaries financed by the government . Freikorps actually carry out their duties , they massacred the people who they consider to be a member Raterepublik and managed to quell the rebellion.
Anti - Semitic prejudice in the right group is strengthened by the fact that the leadership Raterepublik mostly Jews , so there is the impression that Bolshevism ( communism ) and Judaism are essentially the same . Naturally, when the anti- Jewish attitudes then widespread.
Freikorps was hailed in Munich after crushing Raterepublik . Jewish group is the perfect scapegoat to blame for all the ills of the country . Freikorps supported right- wing officials in the military as Captain Ernst Roehm ( which will be the supreme commander of the SA , " Storm Troopers " ) , a man with a simple philosophy :
" I was young and wild . Therefore , war and unrest appeal to me more than a neat bourgeois order . Brutality appreciated , people need to feel afraid , and they want to be afraid of something , they want someone who makes them afraid , and force them to surrender in fear " .
Birth of the Nazis ( 1920 )
In early 1918 , a party called the Freier Ausschuss für Einen Deutschen Arbeiterfrieden ( Free Committee for a German Workers' Peace ) was founded in Bremen , Germany . Anton Drexler , a locksmith and poet , founded a branch of the association on March 7, 1918 , in Munich . In 1919 , Drexler , Gottfried Feder with , Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer , changed the name of the party into Arbeiterparte Deutsche ( German Workers' Party ) or commonly abbreviated as DAP
In 1919, Rohm joined the party . There, he meets a veteran of World War I , 30 years old : Corporal Adolf Hitler was the same as Rohm , hating Communist and Jewish groups . Hitler joined the German workers party in 1919 . On the card he was member of a number of its members listed at 555 despite her kenyataannnya member number 55 ; The party gave numbers ranging from 500 so that members look a lot .
Hitler was no different than thousands of other ex-servicemen in Munich , he go alone without a permanent job . But now he has realized his natural talent for giving speeches and attract people to join the party , so that it has a dominant role there . He channeled hatred , anger over the war ended with a fiery speech . Hitler always spoke about what he called injustice Versailles peace treaty that was signed at the end of World War I. Under the treaty , Germany lost much of his country . and forced to pay compensation to the winner countries . In the early 1920s, rampant inflation control, financial completely destroyed so that the German people to think that democracies do not produce anything .
In Bavaria , in 1921 Hitler was crowned the German workers party leaders tiny . His name change becomes Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ( " Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party " ) , abbreviated NSDAP or Nazi . When it is just one of many right-wing party in Munich and they all say the same : Versailles is evil and Jewish groups behind it.
Hitler dynamism coupled with uncompromised tone in his speeches began to attract residents of other leading Bayern to turn on the new Nazi party . In 1922 , an accomplished aviator award holder " Pour le Merite " Richthodenber well as squadron commander in World War I , Hermann Göring , joined the Nazis . The Nazis also spread its influence into rural areas Bayern . There, an agriculture student who originally wanted to be a chicken farmer , Heinrich Himmler , joined the Nazi ( later on , he was appointed as supreme commander of the SS ) .
Trial revolution ( 1923)
In January 1923 in the Ruhr , French troops come to demand payment of war reparations , alienating and insulting the German people . French rule them with an iron fist . German people regard this as retaliation . Hitler and Nazi Germany take advantage of popular discontent .
In Munich in 1923 , in an atmosphere of crisis caused by the occupation of the Ruhr , Hitler and his Nazis began to act . Hitler stood on stage Burgerbrau Keller on November 8 and stop the right-wing political meeting , he called for the implementation of a national revolution to overthrow the leftist government in Berlin . The next day , 9 November 1923 , the Nazis , along with other right- wing parties marched in Munich to gather support . They were stopped by police at the war monument Feldherrenhalle . Initially , the Nazis hoped the military and police to support the parade and join them , but the opposite happens , the police do not support them ; shots were fired and the participants of the parade disbanded . Fortunately for Hitler , he survived the shooting . 4 police officers and 16 members of the Nazi lost their lives . In addition to killing the police , some followers of the Nazis also did a bank robbery in action .
Hitler then be tried with other leaders at the start of the parade in 1924 on charges of assault against police and bank robberies . In these courts , with the attitude that challenged Hitler said :
"You can declare us guilty a thousand times , but immortal goddess who led the court of history will , with a smile , rending indictment the prosecutor and the court's decision . And the goddess will liberate us " .
Hitler became famous for his statement that bold . Judge Georg Neithardt , the trial judge who heard the statement that was so sympathetic to him and even send messages to the Court of Appeal to reduce the period of confinement Hitler . As a result , Hitler only need to undergo a nine -month prison sentence at Landsberg Prison ; after ignite the revolution , murder 4 police officers , and bank robberies . In 1924 , the name Hitler and the Nazis had set.
Awakening Nazi
German economic shocks (1930 )
In the mid 1920s the German economy recovers and inflation began to decrease . Weimar Government in power managed to solve the problem of turnover losses of war by borrowing money from the United States . However , there are a number of German people who disagree and call this as " Weimar decadence . " They were joined by a group of non-political as Wandervogel calling for a return to the old way of life simpler . Nazi movement come to socialize and use it to go back to the old value ( the movement persisted when the Nazis came to power in a group called Hitler - Jugend , " Hitler Youth Group " ) .
In the mid 1920s , the Nazi party into a small radical party . Party programs they promised that if the Nazis came to power , the German Jews , which is considered to be behind the ' Versailles Treaty ' , will be revoked his citizenship , or even expelled from the country . According to Bruno Hahnel , leader of Hitler Youth Group for the year 1927-1945 , they assume that the World Jewish Group ( World Jewry ) wants to grab power and rule the world that Hitler Youth groups must thwart.
The issue of global Jewish conspiracy was voiced publicly by the Nazis ; and trustworthy . And with the advent of anti - Semitic understand it , is growing belief that violence is an integral part of the political process , so that later , the Nazis established a paramilitary wing called Sturm Abteilung ( SA ) , " Storm Troopers " . His job is to keep the Nazi gatherings , threatening the followers of other parties and build support .
Hitler became Chancellor (1933 )
In 1928 or 7 years after Hitler led the party , the Nazis failed to win power in the election . In that election , the Nazis only get 2.6 % of the vote . But 4 years and 18 months later , Hitler became Chancellor of Germany as the Nazis supported by the state .
In the 1930s , Jermah went bankrupt . World agricultural prices fall resulting in poverty , the collapse of Wall Street resulting in a worldwide economic downturn , coupled with the arrival of the U.S. debt bill that further depress the German stock exchange . In 1931 the unemployment rate in Germany increased to 5 million people . Unemployment was struggling urban when Germany became the country with the worst economy in the world . Things worse when the five major banks in Germany were destroyed in 1931 led to more than 20,000 German companies out of business .
Unexpectedly , in the economic crisis , voting for the Nazis rise . people became interested in their principles : " Versailles is a crime and the Jews are behind it . Marxism must be destroyed and the German nation must be born again . " In fact, because so bored with the state of the economy , the rural people who have never heard of Hitler and his party voted in the Nazis. Like for example in a remote town in the region of East Prussia , Neidenburg , increased sound very drastic for the Nazis . In 1928 , the Nazis received 2.3 % of the vote here . But in 1930 they get the support that figure jumped to 25.8 % ; whereas Hitler had never been there and there is no representation of the Nazi party in the city . But not only the Nazis began to rise , the communists also began to receive support so that the new democracy was born in Germany in danger because voters pushed to an extreme ; between the Nazis and the Communists . The clash is taking place, the Nazis and The storm Forces ( SA ) with the Communists .
Although the election , Hitler lost to competitors President Hidenburg , he has established himself as the leader of the German alternative that offers regularity , discipline , and charisma . In the 1932 elections the majority start choose two parties that openly aiming to overthrow the democratic Germany : the Nazis and the Communists . Democracy is coming in Germany at the end of World War I was considered less suitable and should be removed from Germany . In a general election speech ( July 1932 ) , Hitler did not hide the fact that the Nazis have dictatorship understand :
" Our Opponents accuse us National Socialists , and me in particular , of being intolerant and quarrelsome . They say that we do not want to work with other parties . They say the National Socialists are not German at all , Because they refuse to work with other political parties . : So is it typically German to have thirty parties ? I have to admit one thing - these gentlemen are quite right . We are intolerant . I have given myself one goal - to sweep these thirty political parties out of Germany . They mistake us for one of them . We have one aim , and we will follow it fanatically and ruthlessly to the grave "
Translation : " Our enemies accuse us of national - socialist group , and I in particular , as a person who is intolerant and like hostility . They said we did not want to cooperate with the other party . They say the National - Socialist Germany is not the party for refusing to cooperate with other . then, is to have 30 parties are the hallmark of the German nation ! ? I have to admit one thing - those people are not one . we are intolerant . I have one goal - to get rid of the 30 political parties from Germany ! They mistook us is one of them . we have one goal , and we will make it happen faithfully and without compromise to the grave ! "
The result in the general election in July 1932 , the Nazis became the largest party in Germany by winning 37.4 % of the vote . Now there is only one person who becomes a barrier between the position of Chancellor Hitler and President Hindenburg , people who have to compete with Hitler for president and beat him . Hindenburg met Hitler on August 13, 1932 and at the meeting , Hitler demanded to be chancellor ; Hindenburg refused . He did not agree that government power is given to a party who does not represent the majority of voters and - further - intolerant with poor discipline and often use violence .
Then , comes the group of people who started to press and lobbied President Hindenburg , one of them including a former entrepreneur Hjalmar Schacht Director of the Reich Bank . He wrote letters to Hindenburg urged Hitler mandated for the good of the German Chancellor . The businessman when it would prefer that the German economy is dominated by the Nazis rather than Communists are obviously going to turn off their efforts . New pressures arise as a result of military war games : a report on the cabinet asserted that the civil unrest , the military can not control either the Nazi or Communist .
But not only the Hindenburg are under pressure ; The Nazis also get the same thing . Nazi Party threatened with bankruptcy and ran out of money after one of the party's main character , Gregor Strasser , resigned . So that their voices support dropped to 33 % ; their support seems to have reached its maximum. Fortunately , the Nazis had the support of a group that wants to overthrow the traditional Right and democracy without the support of communist because Hitler , they will not be able to do so . One among them . former Chancellor von Papen nobles , offered a deal : Hitler becomes Chancellor if he could , Von Papen , the vice chancellor , and there are only two other Nazis in the cabinet which is filled by a majority of those traditional conservatives . By doing so , he hopes to influence Hitler " tamed . " Finally , Hindenburg offered the position to Adolf Hitler Chancellor on January 30, 1933 . And soon after the official appointment , one of the closest friends Hindenburg during World War I , General Ludendorff , sent a telegram to him :
" I foresee - seriously - that " the damned " This will bring our country into a deep ravine . Future generations will curse you because of this " .
On January 30, 1933 that, the Nazis held a festive parade in Berlin ; the revolution has begun .
Cleaning officer Storm Troopers (1934 )
German people only need less than 12 weeks in power Hitler to see what will become of the Jewish state in the new Nazi state . On April 1 , 1933, all parties to boycott Jewish-owned store for a full day . Nazis made Jewry as a scapegoat for the defeat in World War I and many other failures . Most of the German people allow it because it was considered as part of the revolution .
In the early months of Nazi rule , the Jews of Germany also became a victim of the attacks and the violence of the Storm Troopers ( SA ) . The army was also taking another hard step . In 1933 , together with the student who sympathizes , SA carried out a mass burning of the books " forbidden " , especially those made by Jewish authors . Furthermore , Ernst Julius Röhm , supreme leader of Storm Troopers , also demanded that the troops entered into the regular German military forces . Military balked at the idea. Rejection of the Storm Troopers were motivated by dislike of the military will their behavior and appearance ; Storm Troopers Military hated most soldiers become increasingly clear Jerman.Juga - not just for the military - that Ernst Julius Rohm , supreme commander of the Storm Troopers , trying to take over the German Armed Forces . He is trying to become the Minister of the Armed Forces and formed his own army .
In the summer of 1934, Hitler got a very shocking news . Heinrich Himmler , who also aspired to power which is technically still working for Julius Ernst Roehm in the Nazi hierarchy , reported to Hitler that Ernst Röhm , Hitler old friend who now serves as the supreme leader of Storm Troopers ( SA ) , is preparing a coup ; and Hitler believe . On June 30, 1934 , while on holiday in Bavaria , Ernst Rohm was arrested and taken to the nearest jail , two days later he was shot dead . Not only that , in July 1934 , Hitler also " clean up " the ranks of officers accused SA is preparing a revolution .
The armed forces are very grateful ; they are happy Rohm killed and Storm Troopers reduced power . As an expression of gratitude , they ask themselves to pronounce the oath of allegiance to Hitler personally . People who are now , after the death of President Hindenburg , not only served as Chancellor of Germany but also the leader of the country .
After the death of Rohm , Hitler seems to have restored order ; The military has vowed to him ; revolution on the road subsided . In subsequent years , the Germans began to see Hitler as a strong leader and confident ; German states that his speech promising new dynamic and powerful .
German Awakening ( 1930 )
In the mid 1930s , Germany has re-emerged under the leadership of Hitler . At that time , the Nazi economic minister , Hjalmar Schahct , managed to remove unemployment in Germany to create a variety of projects such as the labor-intensive construction projects and project Autobahn German military re - armament . The Nazis also increase the military budget in the first year of their powers to the extent that the military can not afford to spend the entire budget. These projects bring Germany into a state of full employment ( full employment ) . People get jobs and income so they can buy food . Armament - back also erase the shame of the German people have been surrendered in World War I.
In 1935 , England , who was feeling guilty for imposing onerous Versailles Treaty the German people , to make a new agreement with Hitler . In the agreement , Hitler was allowed to build a naval exceed the permitted levels in the Versailles Treaty . Hitler wanted to strengthen its relationship with the UK then send Joachim von Ribbentrop in the summer of 1936 to pursue the creation of an alliance between England and Germany . Unfortunately , Joachim von Ribbentrop failed to make a deal in the UK ; not because the UK does not want an alliance with Germany , but because the British considered the Nazis to send people who are too arrogant . Ribbentrop made a fatal mistake by giving the Nazi salute ( with the right hand ) to the King of England George VI .
The Nazis ordered Jews mop up the streets in Austria to embarrass them.On 1936 , the German people regard their country has turned into a better country in the hands of Hitler after he ordered German forces to reenter the German territory that had separated as a result of the Versailles treaty , the Rhineland. Besides Rhineland , Hitler ordered his troops to enter the region with other German -speaking population , Austria , on March 15, 1938 . In both regions , the German troops were warmly welcomed and festive . Furthermore , the people of Germany saw action - taking back the Rhineland and Austria as one of the cues that their country begin to regain strength and self-esteem . Upon returning to Germany , Hitler fanfare greeted as a hero of the nation of Germany.
But in the heyday there were also a surprising event that changed the lives of the German people . Systematically excluded Jews from Germany . Nuremberg laws in 1935 prohibiting the marriage of Jews with other German citizens and declared that Jews were not German citizens . Hitler and his Nazis also waged propaganda stating that Jewish power in Germany was too great and the fishing people of Germany to fight it ; for example, by saying that among 4,800 lawyers in Berlin , his 3,600 were Jews . The propaganda succeeded in changing public opinion of Germany so that they do not mind if the Jews excluded from German states .
In Austria alone , the SS troops began to carry out the action " cleanse " the Jews from the land which is now part of the German state . Austrian Jews were also forced to do work that is designed to embarrass them ; for example brushing to clean the streets . In addition to the SS troops , some residents of Austrian Nazis also insulted the Jews ; they kicked the Jews who are working and laughing at him .
Unable to bear being discriminated against and treated roughly , thousands of Jews out of Germany during the 1930s .
Kristallnacht (1938 )
In the fall of 1938 , there was a surprising event : Ernst von Rath , a German diplomat , died in Paris the hand of a young Jew named Herschel Gryuzspan an angry look at the Nazi treatment of the family .
In commemoration of the Revolution Experiment Burgerbrau Keller ( which occurred in 1923 ) , Joseph Goebbels , the Nazi propaganda minister , requesting approval from Hitler to release the Storm Troopers ( SA ) to take revenge for the killing of Ernst event to the Jews ; and Hitler agreed . And finally , there was an event known as the Kristalnacht ; Crystal Night . In that event , forces storm destroyed about 8,000 homes , shops , and other buildings belonging to the Jews . They also kill and imprison at least 30,000 Jews ; destroying 1,668 synagogues and burned 267 of them . [ 5 ] Many Germans who do not agree with these events , one of whom is Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg , a Nazi officer who almost killed Hitler in the future . [ 2 ] Even so , the popularity of Hitler was not disturbed . Hitler never spoke of the incident in public so many German people believe that it happened not by the will of the Fuehrer , but because of the brutality of Storm Troopers itself.
" Cleaning " of children with disabilities
At the end of 1938 or beginning of 1939 , Philipp Bouhler , leader of the Fuehrer Chancellery Palace Office , gives a letter - written by a father of a mentally - handicapped child to Hitler . The letter contains a request for permission to kill his father 's ; Hitler agreed . Furthermore , Hitler instead ordered his men to kill all disabled children throughout Germany . Philipp Bouhler itself then given the right to form a secret police force to select and kill children with disabilities in a matter of days after they were born .
The secret police then searched the children who allegedly defective , and then wrote the biographical data and the characteristics of the child in a sheet form . The forms are then submitted to a special three doctors who will determine whether the child is eligible to live ; if not , they will mark the form with the sign " X " . After that , they will be assigned to pick up children who are considered " unworthy of life " for then collected and killed with luminal or morphine injected with a lethal dose into their bodies .
The composition of the party
members of the general
General members ( Parteimitglieder ) in the Nazi party composed largely of middle-class urban population down . 7 % are members of the upper classes, 7 % of farmers , 35 % of industrial workers and 51 % were grade puff . Meanwhile , the most professional groups joined the Nazis is a medical doctor .
When the Nazis begin his power in Germany in 1933 , the Nazis had had a number of members with more than 2 million people . When in power , they attract more members to reach 8.5 million members at the end of his reign . Even so , only about 1 million people who actively participate in the party ; the rest is mostly joined for reasons of career .
military members
Nazi members who have military ambitions were encouraged to join the Waffen SS or Wehrmacht , especially when World War II broke out . Initially , the regulations require that each member of the Nazi who joined Wehrmatch to release his membership of the party . Even so , the circumstances of World War II forced the Nazi officers such as Reinhard Heydrich and Fritz Todt and several other members to join the Wehrmacht without releasing their membership .
student membership
In 1926 Nazi Party membership formed a division that consisted of students in Germany known as NS - Deutscher Studentenbund ( NSDtB ) .
Paramilitary Groups
In addition , several paramilitary groups existed and " supporting " Nazi goals . All members of these groups are needed to become a regular member of the Nazi party , and the group will be able to enter their own choice . System giant / greater than signs paramilitary rank of the Nazi party paramilitary developed for each different .
Paramilitary groups of the Nazi Party as follows :
Schutzstaffel ( SS ) : Hitler's personal bodyguard
Sturmabteilung ( SA ) : Storm Troopers
Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps ( NSFK ) : National Socialist Flyers Corps
Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrerkorps ( NSKK ) : National Socialist Motor Corps
Hitler - Jugend was a paramilitary group divided into an adult leadership corps and a general membership open to all children aged 14 to 18 years
party symbols
Nazi flags : Party NSDAP use the right-facing swastika as their symbol . Red and black color symbolizes Blut und Boden ( blood and soil ) . Previously , black, white , and red color is used as the North German Confederation flag ( which was founded by Otto von Bismark , who inspired black and white flag of Prussia ) . In 1871 , the North German Confederation flag was later used as Reichflagge ( flag Reich ) . Black, white , and red has also been used as a symbol of nationalist , especially during World War I and during the Weimar Republic .
Song : Horst Wessel Lied .
Eagle Germany : Nazi Party using traditional German eagle shape is modified in such a way ; Standing on a swastika inside a series of oak leaves . When the head of the eagle facing to his left shoulder , it symbolizes the symbol of the Nazi Party , and called Parteiadler . Conversely , when facing his right shoulder , the eagle symbolizes the country ( Reich ) , and called Reichsadler . After the Nazi party to power in Germany , they immediately replace the traditional German eagle emblem of the German Eagle them across the country and its institutions .
Speech , motto , and slogan
" Sieg Heil ! "
"Long live the triumph ! "
" Heil Hitler ! "
"Long live Hitler ! "
" Arbeit macht frei "
" Work produces freedom "
" Ein Volk , ein Reich , ein Führer ! "
" One people , one nation , one leader ! "
" Deutschland , erwache ! "
" Germany , stand up ! "
" Die Juden sind unser Unglück ! "
"Jews are the source of our problems ! "
" Lang lebe unser ruhmvoller Führer ! "
" Long live our great leader ! "
" Heute Deutschland , morgen die Welt ! "
" Today Germany , tomorrow the world ! "
" Die Deutschen und immer vor dem den Juden Auslander ! "
" The Germans are always in front of strangers and the Jews ! "
" Sicher ist auch ein Mann der Jude , aber der ist auch ein Tier Floh .. "
" It is clear that the Jews are human beings , but also an animal fleas ... "
" Arbeit ; Freiheit ; Brot "
" Work ; Freedom ; Bread "