Fremde Heere Ost
acknowledge intelligence on the Soviet -owned , American military leaders freed Gehlen and instead employ them sebaga part of its agent network ! BTW , writing kanji in tow (为 无为 则无 不治) are quoted from the words of Lao Tse : " Not enough left keserakahanmu to stop the war , let the people to abandon their desire to become wise , to reveal the wisdom that he must fight , the best government is that allowing people to not do anything , then at that time he was able to live in peace " . Amit much advice from real Gehlen life !

Oberstleutnant Gerhard Wessel ( December 24, 1913 - July 28, 2002) which has a youthful face is Leiter der Abteilung Stellvertreter Fremde Heere Ost aka Deputy Reinhard Gehlen who then replaced his boss as Fremde Heere Ost Head ( 10 April 1945 - May 1945 ) . After the war , he was again replaced Reinhard Gehlen in Bundesnachrichtendienst ( May 1, 1968 - November 1978 )

The Fremde Heere Ost staff ( FHO ) photographed together . Sitting in the middle is Oberst Reinhard Gehlen ( Leiter der Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost ) , while on the right is Oberstleutnant Gerhard Wessel ( Leiter der Abteilung Stellvertreter Fremde Heere Ost )
By : Alif Rafik Khan
Fremde Heere Ost ( FHO , Foreign Army of the East ) is the intelligence organization under the Oberkommando des Heeres ( High Command of the Army ) during World War II, which focuses on analyzing the strength of the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe before and after World War II .
Formed in 1939 , the organization 's core strength is 41 people initially headed by Oberstleutnant Eberhard Kinzel , followed by Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen and terminated by Oberstleutnant Gerhard Wessel . Gehlen had predicted the fall of Nazi Germany and the onset of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union . Therefore , he plans to maintain its position in the FHO and then " dedicate " to America as a kind of gift . As the approaching end of the war , Gehlen hide themselves with staff and data mikrofilmnya valuable amid the chaos that swept Germany . Gen. William Wilson Quinn of the U.S. Seventh Army was able to identify the name Gehlen in a report submitted by Allen Dulles of the OSS . He then made sure that Gehlen and the material will be brought to the attention of the American government because he is too valuable to ignore.
Gehlen later revealed that plans have been drawn up with Fremde Heere Ost Captain John Bokers ( ortunya ngelahirin Boker fit again I think ! ) Of U.S. Military Intelligence , who then convinced generals Erwin Sibert of USFET to listen to the presentation Gehlen . G - 2 section of the Pentagon is also involved . This operation then leads to the formation of Operation X , Operation Rusty , ' the Organization ' , ' the org ' , and finally , ' Gehlen Organization ' .
Gehlen Organization became influential intelligence network in the early days of the Cold War . In the end , the organization transformed into Bundesnachrichtendienst ( BND ) is a West German intelligence organization .
Many of the controversial aspects of the Gehlen and his organization , such as its relationship with the Nazis and infiltration by agents of the Eastern Bloc , which is then described by Heinz Höhne and Hermann Zolling in the book " The General Was a Spy " .