Leonidas Squadron and the Sonderkommando Elbe

Leonidas Squadron and the Sonderkommando Elbe

When the Allied forces planned to launch in the Normandy landings through Operation Overlord or D - Day in June 1944 , Nazi Germany's forces is already prepared for him. The whole of Germans including Hitler is realized if the operation was successful then surely threatened the existence of the German state . To thwart Operation Overlord , the commander of the Luftwaffe ( air force of Nazi Germany ) Hermann Göring secretly forming unit like a kamikaze suicide attacks . The aircraft used for kamikaze missions Luftwaffe Focke - Wulf was the Fw 190 is loaded with bombs weighing more than 1,500 kg and then dispersed to the target .

Flew the Fw 190 bomb weighing more than 1,500 kg is not easy . In addition to dangerous , even for take off and landing is difficult. Because of this , no one else dared pilots fly . Hitler then determine the Luftwaffe kamikaze project became angry and ordered to stop . Hitler is inappropriate for the German youth to carry out a suicide mission with the result that would be futile . FW - 190 kamikaze program was stopped , and even the commander in charge was transferred to another post ! However, when the Allies launched Operation Overlord was successful and began its movement toward German soil Nazi officials was shocked . Hitler even realized the need to establish a special force to block the advance of Allied forces in the European Theater West .

Three Nazi Bigots
To prevent the destruction of Germany , Hitler ordered the military creates the most devastating war machine in order to restrain the rate of motion of the Allied forces . Hitler's orders immediately welcomed by the three famous figures of Nazi Germany to Hitler's very fanatical and devoted without reserve . The three are Hanna Reitsch ( female test pilot who is very popular and won numerous competitions glider ) ; Otto Skorzeny ( whiz special forces commando strategy several times successfully carry out dangerous actions far into enemy defenses ) ; and Hans - Joachim Herrmann , better known by the nickname Hajo Herrmann ( bomber pilot is very experienced and is also known as a night fighter pilot professional ) .

The three men proposed a pilot in charge of attacking enemy targets by crashing his plane ( suicide pilots ) . The idea of ​​the pilot who fought with fanatical zeal that turned out to be inspired by a kamikaze attack made ​​by Japanese pilots . When traced from its historical background , kamikaze was associated closely with Nazi propaganda , totenritt ride or death ( death trip ) . With such a background , the three characters are then conveyed the idea to Hitler .

When the idea was presented to Hitler kamikaze , the number one real Nazis have been very depressed over the defeat suffered by the army continuously it turns out once again showed his reluctance . But Hitler finally agreed and gave a note to avoid the kamikaze pilots of the Luftwaffe deployed to the battlefield without his consent . Kamikaze squadron was then formed and named after Leonidas Squadron and become part of a special unit of the Luftwaffe bomber fleet , Kampfggrupe - 200 ( KG - 200 ) . Leonidas is a warrior in the history of ancient Greece and is the king of Sparta who lived during 480 BC . As a king who was also a combat strategist , Leonidas who only had 300 soldiers specially qualified and daredevil successfully resist the invasion of the Persian army numbering thousands . The spirit to fight to the death that is the spirit of the Leonidas Squadron pilots .

To run a kamikaze mission , Leonidas Squadron using aircraft Fieseler Fi - 103 Reichenberg is also a variant of German rocket used to hit London , England , V1 . As a kamikaze aircraft or missile driven people , Fi - 103 equipped cockpit and steering ( flight control ) . Exercise to fly Fi - 103 began. But a high -risk exercise that would produce a disaster . Two volunteer pilots who carry out test flight of the Fi - 103 were killed . As a result there were no volunteers who are willing to fly Fi - 103 that has been designed and championed as kamikaze aircraft . However , Hanna Reitsch who have full experience of carrying out a test flight without hesitation volunteered to fly the Fi - 103 and success . Not only that , Hanna Reitsch also directly enroll as a kamikaze pilot for Leonidas Squadron . Wow !

Thanks to Hanna Reitsch flew a successful F1 - 103 directly enroll at the same time as the kamikaze pilots , the young German who initially hesitated immediately affected . More than 70 young Germans voluntarily enroll and ready to die ! Training began as a kamikaze pilot performed and followed by Fi - 103 aircraft production to 24 units . But in practice kamikaze pilots flew Leonidas Squadron was not indoctrinated rammed enemy targets but rather sought to immediately implement bailout so Fi - 103 is flown in the direction of flight has been accurately towards the target enemy .

In practice , bail out at high speed it is actually difficult and less likely to jump to the pilot who survived. Clearly what is taught to the Leonidas Squadron pilots is different than the Japanese kamikaze doctrine . The Japanese kamikaze pilots believed spiritual death as a heroic act and a form of loyalty to the Emperor , while the German Nazi kamikaze mission to be launched by Leonidas Squadron as a futile action because the results in a reduced number of Luftwaffe pilots secera drastically . In addition , the kamikaze mission based solely on the fanatical spirit of despair plus impressed ( also there is absolutely no spiritual element ) would clearly constitute acts considered ridiculous ! Because the Luftwaffe and Hitler 's own officials still feel pitied , candidates kamikaze pilots never Leonidas Squadron finally are allowed to plunge into battle .

New Kamikaze squadron
When Nazi Germany position strongly pressured by the Allied powers , in particular by thousands of bombers were constantly attacking the German mainland , to evoke the spirit of kamikaze attacks appear again . Feel there is a chance , Hajo Herrmann with two colleagues who had been formed and meet the commander Leonidas Squadron pilots rush assault ( Head of Fighter Command ) Luftwaffe Generalleutnant Adolf Galland . In the presence of Generalleutnant Galland , Hajo Hermann then explained his plan to build another kamikaze squadron . But the idea is Hajo Herrmann directly rejected by Galland as a kamikaze mission to ambush Allied bombers heavily guarded hundreds of aircraft will be very hard to do . Galland himself doubted the ability and technical understanding in a hurry Hajo Herrmann assault fighter pilots famous considering that much more desperate to fly bombers . Hajo Herrmann was disappointed then met the commander of the Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring who had been a mentor in the Luftwaffe bomber unit .

Before Hajo Herrmann facing Galland and Göring , the Luftwaffe officials actually two enemies in a blanket bath . As a marshal who was raised by a bomber unit Göring feel disadvantaged by the dominance fighter that resulted in the discontinuation of production of the bombers . Conversely continuously improved production fighter bomber and even the technicians moved to the factory of producing fighter ! Now , when Nazi Germany increasingly losing position , the opportunity was used by Göring to drop all the causes of the destruction of the Luftwaffe to the person in charge of the supreme commander of the Luftwaffe fighter pilots . Under conditions on the verge of collapse that Galland was not able to do much and if Hajo Herrmann Göring met with a kamikaze squadron formed a plan , it is likely that the plan will be granted.

When Hajo Herrmann proposed a plan on the establishment of a kamikaze squadron to Göring , a third person in the body of Nazi Germany was very surprised because the pilots Lutfwaffe not been indoctrinated to launch suicide attacks . In addition there are other factors that are also increasingly making Göring pessimistic because the infrastructure is already weak and Luftwaffe pilots who are willing to be a kamikaze pilot unclear . The idea of ​​kamikaze pilots even made ​​Göring feeling bad because it seemed to reflect the kamikaze way he does not have another strategy better . But it turns out there was no other option for Göring at the beginning of the Allied invasion of Normandy had formed Suicide Squadron . To answer yes or no , Goering Hitler decided he should see first. Marshal Göring never actually hesitated because Hitler was furious at Kamikaze Squadron FW - 190 ever establishment .

This time Hitler turned out to approve the establishment of a kamikaze squadron ! Although with a heavy heart and feeling pessimistic if one wants to obtain a pilot's kamikaze mission , Göring finally forced myself to form a squadron of suicide . Göring also began to implement the selection of candidates for kamikaze pilots who have a minimum of 50 hours of flying experience . Registration to receive the volunteer kamikaze exactly was opened in March 1945 . Unexpectedly volunteers who sign up turns out to reach the number of 2,000 people ! This number is very shocking because now Göring standing in front of thousands of people who are ready to give their lives for the country Germany ! That makes the actual weight of other matters relating to the family . One of his beloved niece named Werner G. Göring ( who was born and raised in America ) has become one of the Allied bomber pilots who are members of the 303rd Bombardment Group . If the bomber piloted by Werner successfully dropped by a kamikaze then the Nazi Reichsmarschall would lose the beloved niece ( though defended enemy Germany ! ) .

With the number of candidates kamikaze pilots who reach the thousands Göring was asked to prepare at least 1,500 Luftwaffe fighter units . But it is impossible to fulfill such amount because all the air power possessed by the Luftwaffe on all fronts stay 800 aircraft , it was the spare parts and inadequate fuel . Finally, only 180 aircraft available for kamikaze units , and the average is over the old plane is no longer operated by the Luftwaffe is Me 109g - 10 , G - 14 , and K - 4 .

To protect the pesawatkamikaze aircraft - deployed aircraft type Messerschmitt Me 262 and Fw - 190 though with very limited quantities . Because the time to live a little kamikaze mission , 24 Kamikaze pilots who only underwent training during the next two weeks immediately ordered to attack U.S. bombers .

Before the kamikaze pilots were ordered to fly , Göring gave the message that they are not pure kamikaze mission . The trick is to fly at an altitude then ambushed U.S. bomber shot from above while showering . If the intercepted aircraft bomber still flying further directed to a bomber interceptor aircraft and stick as close as possible to the rear gun position bomber . Then by using the blades of the Nazi pilots were ordered to cut the bomber wing which is also where the engine and fuel . Under conditions of clipped wings , certain U.S. bomber swerved and crashed .

How it though hard to do but it could provide an opportunity for the Nazis to bail out the pilot if the aircraft has experienced damage or shot . While two other targets Göring suggested is to drop the U.S. bomber wing tail swipe which is the prime mover control altitude and aircraft rudder . This method is considered the most secure despite Nazi easy shot kamikaze aircraft machine gun bomber . Meanwhile, the third way is slammed directly into the cockpit of a bomber plane with the opportunity to bail out very small . The third way can be regarded as either a pure kamikaze bombers and kamikaze Nazis will be equally devastated .

Despite the increasingly desperate conditions and diminishing time , Göring still had time to form a three- Wing Kamikaze aircraft Bf 109 the number of 60 units . Bf 109 aircraft deliberately chosen to launch a kamikaze attack Nazi 's because in addition to having a special two machine guns , fuselage and propeller blades are made of steel . Three Wing kamikaze called Sonderkommando Elbe it will charge U.S. bomber ambushed convoy will carry over Berlin bombardment . Commander of Sonderkommando Elbe , is Major Otto Koehnke who also co familiar Göring since 1940 .

Koehnke had triumphed in the Russian front with success destroyed 12 rail logistics thus entitled to his Cross. But Koehnke had suffered a serious accident that lost one of his legs and was discharged as a fighter pilot . Now with one artificial leg and holds the Knight , Koehnke not return to duty for achievement but to give his life ! Given the fact that the commander of Sonderkommando Elbe is no longer the whole body , Göring finally take command .

After preparation including briefings for pilots lead on the last mission to be executed , the command to intercept the U.S. bomber fleet arrived . On 7 April 1945 as many as 1,260 bomber ( B - 17 and B - 24 Liberator ) , escorted by U.S. fighter aircraft 780 Mustang and Thunderbolt is based in West European fronts moving in unison to bombard the German mainland . The convoy of thousands of U.S. warplanes lethal it is observed closely by Göring via radar . When thousands of U.S. warplanes began to enter the next area to enter the Dutch and German air space , Göring ordered pilots kamikazenya to stand by .

Tension and anxiety was enveloped Göring 's face because of the power planes kamikazenya far from adequate . Only available 120 aircraft with fuel mediocre and some even seemed confused because the pilot did not get a plane . Although it has undergone the briefing , strategy and organizational fighter bombers to attack the U.S. is not yet clear that the coordination and command in the field also chaotic . But despite the chaotic conditions and lack of coordination , there is no other option for Göring to give orders for the kamikaze pilots fly when U.S. planes began entering German air space .

Exactly at 11.15 Göring flare gun fired to mark the beginning ambush against U.S. bomber planes . Kamikaze planes Nazi Germany led by Hajo Herrmann and escorted by 59 pieces of the Me 262 and Fw 190 was shot into the air when it was cloudy so it becomes a serious barrier for Nazi pilots in determining the target .

When the kamikaze planes Nazi Germany was in the air , there is still a distance of about 100 miles to meet with a fleet of U.S. bombers and fighter planes . All kamikaze pilots to focus Nazis searched the horizon for the arrival of the U.S. bomber fleet . To pump up the spirit of the pilots that day were likely to lose his life , aircraft radios echoed patriotic songs and the national anthem sung by a female vocalist .

But in fact the U.S. to find the bomber of several thousand was not easy . A number of pilots who have less experience navigating even lost , ran out of fuel and was forced to bail out . A number of other pilots even met with a fleet of Mustangs and shot down before they could act . Despite warplanes Nazi Germany could fly higher but the engine smoke trail ( contrail ) could be detected warplanes targeted the U.S. so easy to shoot . Within two minutes of two Bf - 109 successfully shot down Mustang , causing panic for others .

But this time the fighter and bomber pilots U.S. sees new technique when warplanes attacked Nazi Germany . When two Bf 109 attacked the bombers and escorted by Me 262 and immediately intercepted by Mustang occur unusual sights : One of the Bf 109 suddenly thrust themselves into one bomber in the U.S. right wing , followed by one of the pilots who bailed out . Liberator bomber was shaky and continue to fall to the ground pierced Seeing how warplanes attacked Nazi Germany were desperate and difficult to prevent it , the U.S. pilots are aware that German Nazi pilots are practicing how to fight in the new air that they had never faced before !

While the Mustang is also difficult to shoot because it can be about their own friends . One of the victims is a kamikaze attack German bomber piloted by Colonel John Herboth of the 389 Bomber Group . When the Bf 109 piloted by Sergeant Heinrich Rosner managed to steal one bomber wing Colonel Herboth In Liberators flew shaky condition , Herboth trying to stabilize the plane . But failed . Bomber Herboth the free fall even hit another bomber piloted by Lt. Col. Kunkel until then make them burst into flames . Meanwhile , Rosner was successfully bailed out while watching the two bombers who are victims plummeting kamikazenya cresting .

Through mid-day ( 12:30 ) clash between U.S. aircraft and kamikaze Nazis lasted more exciting . Kamikaze pilots who fought with the frustration of facing too many enemies also increasingly showing kenekatannya . One more successful Bf 109 menggasakkan Liberator himself to so direct fire and fell swoop . The Bf 109 is continuously bombarded with shots to the body of the Liberator plane full of holes even managed to approach the other Liberator and menggasakkan themselves right in the cockpit . Terrific explosion followed gaping cockpit Liberator loss lead to burst into flames and fell away . The Liberator pilot who witnessed the plane crash is still hope there a parachute inflates from fellow survivors .

Kamikaze reckless actions of Nazi Germany colored by two colleagues who are equally familiar to agree on one bomber crashed and died together . But one of the pilots managed to bail out and landed safely despite 19 bullet holes in the parachute and his jacket ! Heroic stories in the middle of the action of reckless kamikazes Nazi Germany just kept going . But until the early afternoon and throughout the U.S. bomber and patron eventually returned to base , kamikaze Nazi resistance effect was not significant . Rammkommando Elbe and 120 pilots were deployed to launch a kamikaze attack are only 15 pilots were alive . Meanwhile, U.S. bombers successfully dropped only about 13 units . A very small number considering the thousands deployed bomber units . However, despite the Sept. Nazi Germany was not able to shake the Allied air power they still remembered and appreciated . Luftwaffe then made ​​a special monument in memory of the young pilots who died and was devoted to his country to the last drop of blood .