

Kriegsmarine is the official name of the German Navy during the Nazi rule . This name began June 1, 1935 is used as a replacement for the previous title , Reichsmarine .

Command structure
When the Second World War , the German who at that time under the leadership of Adolf Hitler ( 20 April 1889 - April 30, 1945) , is the supreme leader of the entire army , including the Kriegsmarine . His power running through Oberkomando der Marine ( OKM ) , Commander of the Navy ( Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine ) , Chief of Naval Staff ( Chef der der Stabes Seekriegsleitung ) , and a Head of the Department of Naval Operations ( Chef der Operationsabteilung ) . Here is the command of the Kriegsmarine by regional , squadron and a small fleet command :

A regional / division led by a Generaladmiral or Admiral , which subdivision they divided again if necessary . Each regional there Marineoberkomando for the Baltic Sea Fleet , Nord ( Northern Germany / Denmark and surrounding areas ) , Nordsee ( North Sea ) , Ost / Ostsee ( Baltic Formerly ) , South ( Mediterranean Sea ) and the West ( Atlantic Ocean ) . Kriegsmarine using a coding system called Gradnetzmeldeverfahren to map the command area .

Each type of German warships , have a command system headed by an officer of the vessel head ( like Fregattenkapitän and Korvettenkapitän ) . They commanded warships ( Battleship ) , Cruiser , Destroyer , submarines ( Führer der U - Boote ) , ship bertorpedo ( MTB ) , anti - mine ships , tankers , patrol boats and anti - ship weapons .

Small Fleet Command
A major operation was headed by a Flottenchef ( Head Small Fleet ) which is usually temporary .

In accordance with the Treaty of Versailles , Germany may only have a small army . After Machtergreifung in 1933 , Germany began to rearm . Naval agreement between Britain and Germany ( his English is Anglo - German Naval Agreement ; German Deutsch - britisches Flottenabkommen ) on June 18, 1935 to allow the construction of a fleet of over 35 % of the tonnage surface ship above the surface of the UK , 45 % of the tonnage submarines England , and warships does not exceed 35,000 tons . Kriegsmarine until the year 1947 in accordance with what is referred to as " Plan Z " ( Z - Plan ) must have a large number of new vessels of which the carrier . battleships , cruisers , submarines and other light naval forces .

In 1935 use new flag , the flag of the swastika with iron bars ( German Eisernes Kreuz ) in the upper left .

Kriegsmarine was first deployed in the war on the Spanish Civil War . Together with the navy Great Britain , Italy and France in an international naval blockade in order arms embargo against Spain . Kriegsmarine placement is done to support the coup attempt of the Spanish Nationalist leader Francisco Franco . On May 29, 1937 , the ship Deutschland bombarded and damaged near Ibiza .