
Patronentasche , bags Bullets Wehrmacht

Kar98 rifle complete with two types Patronentaschen . The left ( Patronentasche M1911 ) is widely used by infantry , while the right ( Patronentasche M1887 ) by Pionier ( Engineer ) . Somehow Zeni allotted fewer bullets , which is evident in the photos that show it ( such as Garde - Pioniere example above ) , Patronentasche M1887/88 Pioniere commonly juxtaposed with complete equipment , including an ax and shovel . Patronentasche M1887 is also commonly used by pedestrians artillery , troop trains , supply convoys , and Verkehrstruppen ( troop transport )

Patronentaschen M11 Wehrmacht . M11 refers to the first year of this matter was issued ( 1911) . Color of standard ammunition pouch German infantry is usually composed of two choices : black and brown . The soldier in the photo above came from the SS - Polizei - Division ( note the location and pattern kragenspiegel hoheitszeichen her ! ) , And he was holding the gun in his hand K98a with a style that is so unusual that many photograph collectors who think that the photo above is false or made ​​by reenactor !

For Fallschirmjager , they are equipped with ammunition bandolier as a wrapper because these things more " tuned " jacket paired with jumpers compared with Patronentaschen . One bandolier bag comes with 12 camouflage that contains 24 mauser clips that can be met through 120 rounds of ammunition

Evolution Patronentasche Germany pre - 1911 ( the time of the Empire ) . Each infantryman typically carries up to 120 rounds of ammunition in patronentasche and tornister ( backpack ) in the back . Reserves 20 rounds had been prepared at the level of the company , while at the division level grain reserves reached 395 ! The example shown above is made ​​in Germany alone , and it's not unusual when using the Kaiser army ammunition pouches spoils of the enemy

Patronentasche M1914 Württemberg size larger than the standard patronentaschen only used by the forces of the German Empire from Württember . Exactly the same shape and size with patronentasche used by medical forces , only he has patented and part of it is equipped with a metal slot that can accommodate up to 12 rounds of ammunition

By : Alif Rafik Khan

Patronentasche ( ammo pouch ) is usually affixed to the belt, each of the three pieces on the left and right . One bag is capable of storing up to 5 pieces Mannlicher clip ( rifle ) or Mauser bullets . The small size and large capacity does not make this kind of bag favored by Landser ( German soldier ) , primarily Pionier ( engineer ) . The inside is unique because it comes with three sets of spring clips that clamp the bullet in place in an upright position . The outer layer is usually made ​​of leather which makes it hard to function like that . Depend lid out to the front and have some sort of hook at the edges . Hook of the metal material in the sometimes - stamp with the number / name of the regiment as a sign of identification .

The standard number of bullets carried in a combat mission by an infantryman in his Patronentasche is a 45 grain bullet ( although capacity could reach 60 points if fully charged ) . Interestingly , in the World War II German infantry soldiers do not carry bandoliers of bullets to use as in the previous war . The only exception is the bandolier Luftwaffe as it is commonly taken by Fallschirmjager . The bandolier can carry up to 120 grain bullets , twice the standard patronentasche !

Munitionsverpackung ( Packaging Ammunition ) :
- Patronen Ladestreifen auf 7.92 mm ( für Gewehr ) : 1500 Stück in Holzkisten , Gewicht 48 kg
- Ohne Ladestreifen Patronen 7.92 mm ( für MG ) : 1500 Stück in Holzkisten , Gewicht 46 kg
- Stielhandgranaten : 16 Stück in Holzkästen , Gewicht 25 kg
- Eierhandgranaten : 30 Stück in Packkästen , Gewicht 9 kg
- Wurfgranaten 5 cm für lGrW : 10 Stück in Blechkästen , Gewicht 12 kg
- Wurfgranaten 8 cm für mGrW : 3 Stück in Blechkästen , Gewicht 13.25 kg
- Wurfgranaten 12 cm für sGrW : 2 Stück in Kisten , Gewicht 40 kg
- Granaten für 3,7 cm Pak : 12 Stück in Blechkästen , Gewicht 21.5 kg
- Gewehrgranaten mit Treibpatronen : 30 Stück in Packkästen , Gewicht 8.9 kg
- Panzerfäuste gebrauchsfertig : 4 Stück in Packkästen , Gewicht 32 kg

sources :
Private photo collection of Tony Meldahl
www.china -
www.lexikon - der -
www.wehrmacht -