Train Launch

Panje (Train Launch / Sled)

  Winter 1941/1941 on the Eastern Front: 6.Panzer-Division previously so-powerful and equipped with machines that deadly war can now only move using the sled (sledge) specifically named as panje. Leutnant Helmut Ritgen (March 10, 1916 - February 7, 2013) from Panzer-Regiment 11 sheathed sitting in front of a thick coat made ​​of wool while holding a machine gun MP 40 as a precaution when the Red Army suddenly attacked

Georgia volunteers were taught how to use the machine gun Maxim Model 1910 Solokov holder. The machine guns have camouflage painted white and placed on top of the ski sled. It is the only practical way to move in the middle of the freezing Russian winter

The book "The 6th Panzer Division: 1937-45" by Oberst aD Helmut Ritgen