
German Wehrmacht units using a lot of bike for their interests . Usually he used to deliver a letter or a relationship between the commander with his men who were in a remote place . Multi- function terrain vehicles and can also be used to carry equipment and weapons for the purposes of warriors in the battle front .

German Soldier Field Equipment

German Soldier Field Equipment
A : Equipment field peon ( Feldausrüstung des Mannes ) starting from leather belts and head ( Koppel und Koppelschloss ) , bullet pouch M1911 ( Patronentasche 11 ) , a small shovel and a wrapper ( kleines Schanzzeug und Tasche ) , weapon - hand S84/98 ( Seitengewehr - Germans call it a " gun - hand " rather than bayonets - Bajonett ) , and wrapping - hand weapon for non - warrior horsemen ( Seitengewehrtasche für Unberittene ) .


Patronentasche , bags Bullets Wehrmacht

Train Launch

Panje (Train Launch / Sled)

Water Wehrmacht

Jerry cans Fuel / Water Wehrmacht in World War II

Abwurfbehälter für Nachschub

Abwurfbehälter für Nachschub ( Container Supply )

Messerschmitt Me 210

Messerschmitt Me 210

Messerschmitt Bf 110

Messerschmitt Bf 110

Messerschmitt Bf 109

Messerschmitt Bf 109

Junkers Ju 188

Junkers Ju 188

Junkers Ju 87

Junkers Ju 87 " Stuka "

Junkers Ju 52

Junkers Ju 52 Photo Album "Tante"

Henschel Hs 126

Henschel Hs 126 Photo Album

Heinkel He 111

Heinkel He 111

Heinkel He 59

Albums Heinkel He 59

The member units of the German air - sea rescuer ( Seenotflugstaffeln ) operating over the English Channel in 1940 and then realize that their status as a handyman for help does not guarantee them to be saved and turned into a victim . After the occupation of France , Luftflotte 3 instantly set up three air - sea rescue center in Boulogne , Cherbourg and Brest . This is in reaction to the growing Luftwaffe air battle between the German and British aircraft over the Strait . In the summer of 1940 units Seenotflugstaffeln flew Heinkel He 59 floatplane unarmed and painted white with large red cross on the body and wings . Because the UK believes that this kind of planes just for the sake of mere camouflage hiding the actual status as a reconnaissance aircraft , the RAF announced that they deserve to be the target of the attack and as a result some 59 He became a victim . Luftwaffe directly act quickly to amend the paint He 59 aircraft from white to camouflage a predominantly gray and adds defense weapons to the crew . In addition , the planes Seenotflugstaffeln always get fighter escort whenever possible . The photo above shows an air - sea rescue plane Heinkel He 59 B " ? ? + ? G " ( Werknummer 1824 ) from Seenotstaffel 3 ( previously named Seenotflugstaffel 3 , renamed December 1940 ) . This aircraft has been painted in camouflage and get additional two machine guns in the front and rear . Staffel emblem stamped on the bottom front of the machine gun crew space , and shaped albatross bird with blue life ring in the shield . Note also the large circle that can be elevated DF . Dated October 14, 1941 camouflage and weapons carried by the aircraft is still not able to save him . In a rescue mission , the Heinkel aircraft passed with eight British hunters just one kilometer off the coast of Belgium near Raverside , west of Ostend , and shot down in flames into the sea rolls . Fortunately the two crew members , an observer Oberfeldwebel Wessel and Siegfried Unteroffizier pilot Josef Raab , only injured

sources :
Magazine " Luftwaffe im Focus " Spezial # 1 of 2003

Gotha Go 244

Albums Gotha Go 244